
Отличия слов ever, always, only, someday, only ever, они все в различных случаях переводятся одинаково только где именно использовать

Английский язык


) Всегда делать что-либо. I always draw animals - Я всегда рисую животных.
Only - только. Stuff only - Вход только для рабочего персонала.
Someday - Когда-то/Когда-либо. Somedays there was cold - Когда-то здесь было холодно.
Only ever - только если/только когда-либо. Only ever if you can buy this book. Только если вы сможете купить эту книгу.

My first day at school wasn't terrible, but it ended like a fairy tale. Mom woke me up at 6:30 because the school was quite far from home. I took my portfolio, it was twice my size, and we went with my parents to school. Since they were very busy, they could not stay with me for long. So they left the class and went to work. When the teacher was counting us, she looked at the briefcase and did not notice me. She said: “We have one student left. Where is he?" At that moment, I took off my portfolio and all of them found the missing student. It was really fun. The children wanted to get to know me, I was no longer alone, but happy. I love my class and my teacher. Now I have a lot of friends, and my portfolio has become smaller.


My first day at school wasn't terrible, but it ended like a fairy tale. Mom woke me up at 6:30 because the school was quite far from home. I took my portfolio, it was twice my size, and we went with my parents to school. Since they were very busy, they could not stay with me for long. So they left the class and went to work. When the teacher was counting us, she looked at the briefcase and did not notice me. She said: “We have one student left. Where is he?" At that moment, I took off my portfolio and all of them found the missing student.It was really fun. The children wanted to get to know me, I was no longer alone, but happy. I love my class and my teacher. Now I have a lot of friends, and my portfolio has become smaller.

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Отличия слов ever, always, only, someday, only ever, они все в различных случаях переводятся одинаково только где именно использовать
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