
Написать 5 утвердительных предложений, из этих 5 предложений нужно написать отрицательные и вопросительных​

Английский язык




1. all people on earth cant fly.

2. paris is not the capital of brazil.

3. pens dont write on the table.


1. why is the dollar falling?

2. who can drink tea at the moment?

3. how to quickly learn a poem?

1. I go to bed at ten o'clock every day. This sentence is in the present simple tense, which is used to talk about regular habits or routines. In this case, the habit is going to bed at ten o'clock every day.

2. I went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. Here, the verb "go" is in the past simple tense. This is used to talk about actions that happened and were completed in the past. In this sentence, the action of going to bed at ten o'clock happened yesterday.

3. I will go to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow. In this sentence, the verb "go" is in the future simple tense. This tense is used to talk about actions that will happen in the future. Here, the action of going to bed at ten o'clock will happen tomorrow.

4. I do not go to the cinema every day. The verb "go" is negated with the word "not" to indicate the absence of the action. This sentence states that I do not go to the cinema every day, implying that I go to the cinema on some days but not every day.

5. I did not go to the cinema yesterday. Here, the past simple tense is used to talk about an action that did not happen in the past. This sentence states that I did not go to the cinema yesterday.

6. I will not go to the cinema tomorrow. The future simple tense is used to indicate an action that will not happen in the future. This sentence states that I will not go to the cinema tomorrow.

7. Do you watch TV every day? The present simple tense is used in questions to ask about habits or routines. This question asks if the person being addressed watches TV every day.

8. Did you watch TV yesterday? In this question, the past simple tense is used to inquire whether the person watched TV yesterday.

9. Will you watch TV tomorrow? The future simple tense is used to ask if the person will watch TV tomorrow.

10. When do you leave home for school every day? The present simple tense is used to ask about a regular routine. This question asks about the time the person leaves home for school every day.

11. When did you leave home for school yesterday? The past simple tense is used to inquire about the time the person left home for school yesterday.

12. When will you leave home for school tomorrow? The future simple tense is used to ask about the time the person will leave home for school tomorrow.

13. My brother goes to work every day. He leaves home at a quarter past eight. The present simple tense is used to talk about a habitual action, in this case, going to work every day. The verb "leave" is also in the present simple tense. It describes the time my brother leaves home every day, which is a quarter past eight.

14. Did you have a PE lesson yesterday? - No. In this question, the past simple tense is used to ask if the person had a PE lesson yesterday. The response "No" indicates that the person did not have a PE lesson.

15. What did you buy at the shop yesterday? - I bought a book. The past simple tense is used in both the question and the answer to talk about actions that happened in the past. The question asks what the person bought at the shop yesterday, and the response states that the person bought a book.

16. Yesterday my father did not read newspapers because he was very busy. He will read newspapers tomorrow. In the first part of the sentence, the past simple tense is used to say that my father did not read newspapers yesterday. The word "did not" negates the action. The second part of the sentence uses the past simple tense to describe the reason why he did not read newspapers. The last part of the sentence uses the future simple tense to say that he will read newspapers tomorrow.
В 1620 году группа людей из Англии отправилась в Америку. На корабле было сто человек. Они хотели начать новую жизнь в Америке и практиковать свою религию в свободе. Они высадились в месте на северо-восточном побережье Америки. Они назвали его Плимут. Они были далеко от своего дома, и жизнь была трудна. У них было мало еды, и они мало знали о своем новом доме. Их первая зима в Америке была очень холодной. Многие из них заболели и умерли. Однако местные жители, индейцы, решили им помочь. Они научили новоприбывших, как выращивать кукурузу и другие растения для еды, и давали им лекарства для лечения их болезней. Они также показывали своим новым друзьям, как охотиться на еду и как строить лучшие дома. Новоприбывшие усердно работали, и их урожаи росли. К ноябрю 1621 года они имели достаточно еды и свой дом. В знак благодарности индейцам, новоприбывшие пригласили их на особую трапезу, чтобы отпраздновать их дружбу. Эта особая трапеза стала первым Днем Благодарения. Первый День Благодарения длился три дня.

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