
Дайте перевод . mary had a little lamb, with fleece as white as snow; and everywhere that mary went, the lamb was sure to go. it followed her to school one day, which was against the rule. and made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school. and so the teacher turned it out but still it lingered near, and waited patiently about, till mary did appear. -what makes the lamb love mary so? the eager children cry. -why, mary loves the lamb, yo know! the teacher did reply.

Английский язык



У Мэри был маленький барашек,
Его шерсть была белой как снег,
И всюду, куда бы ни шла Мэри,
Барашек бежал за ней вслед.

Однажды пошел за ней в школу,
Что было против правил всех.
Но дети смеялись и радовались,
Увидев барашка в школе.

Поэтому учитель выгнал его,
Но он держался рядом со школой.
И терпеливо поджидал
Пока появится Мэри.

“Почему барашек так любит Мэри?” 

-Нетерпеливо дети кричали.

“Видите ли, Мэри  очень любит барашка”, 
И без неё он скучает"- им учитель отвечает.

Дайте перевод . mary had a little lamb, with fleece as white as snow; and everywhere that mary went,

Bayanaul National Park is a national park of Kazakhstan located in Pavlodar region. There are four big freshwater


in the park – Sabyndykol, Jasybay, Toraygir and Byrzhankol. Also, there are many smaller lakes, which can dry in a hot season. The largest lake is Sabyndykol, which is called this way because of its soft water, which feels almost soapy. You can find forests, fields and valleys in this area.

.There are over 50 types of birds and over 40 types of animals live in this area. So, people can observe nature and enjoy a lot of fresh air. Also, people can have a good rest there, swim in the lakes, walk in the valleys and climb up the mountains.

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1)They are made of wood.2) To get to their homes, the Korowai climb up a long wooden pole with notches cut into in for their hands and feet. 3) They build their houses up high to be safe from the dangers of the jungle, such as floods, wild animal and mosqutoes which carry disease. 4) After nightfall, they chat and tell stories before going to sleep.5)of Göreme, Turkey. 6) Over millions of years, nature created rocks in the area that look like upside-down ice cream cones. 7)Some say that it is like the surface of the moon. 8)The locals enjoy living in the 'fairy chimneys', as they call them, because they are cool in the hot summers and warm in the cold wintèrs.


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Дайте перевод . mary had a little lamb, with fleece as white as snow; and everywhere that mary went, the lamb was sure to go. it followed her to school one day, which was against the rule. and made the children laugh and play, to see a lamb at school. and so the teacher turned it out but still it lingered near, and waited patiently about, till mary did appear. -what makes the lamb love mary so? the eager children cry. -why, mary loves the lamb, yo know! the teacher did reply.
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