1. Есть много людей в комнате.
2. есть автобус из колледжа, который идет прямо в аэропорт.
3.в семье трое детей.
4. в доме четыре спальни.
5. на стене над диваном висит картина.
6.снаружи какой-то шум.
7. в классе было четыре человека.
8.в вашем тесте была одна ошибка.
1. There are few people in the room
2. there is no bus from college that goes to the airport
3. the family does not have three children.
4. the house does not have four bedrooms.
5. on the wall above the sofa is not a picture.
6. it's very quiet outside
7. there were not four people in the class.
8. there were no errors in your test
1.How many people are in the room?
2.Is there a bus from college that goes to the airport?
3.How many children are there in the family?
4.How many bedrooms are there in the house?
5.Do you have paintings in your house?
6.Is there any noise outside?
7.How many people were in the class?
8.Were there any errors in my test?
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Fill in the correct word. пример: sue has got brown hair.her hair is long. 1.this is my sister.look at 2.this is jack's guitar.it's guitar. 3.that's tom.i don't like 4.i am here.look at 5.look at that girl .what's name?
2. His
3. Him
4. Me
5. Her