
Автор голубев ex 13, p 27 выпишите из текста урока в шесть колонок слова из текста урока с ударными гласными [а: ], [л], [»], [d], [з: ], [и: ].

Английский язык


3. This is Dick.['dis iz 'dik]Это Дик.Dick is seven.['dik iz 'sevan]Дику семь лет.He has many friends, [hi 'hasz 'masni 'frendz] У него много друзей.His friends live in[hiz 'frendz 'hv in hiz Его друзья живут наhis street.'stri:t]той же улице.4. This is Ben.['Sis iz 'ben]Это Бен.He is ten.[hi iz 'ten]Ему десять лет.He gives his cat fish.[hi 'givz hiz 'kaet 'fij]Он дает своему коту  рыбу.His cat eats fish.[hiz 'kaet 'i:ts 'fij]Кот ест рыбу.It is fat.[it iz 'fast]Он толстый.5. This is Helen.[Sis iz 'helm]Это Хелен.She is eleven.[Ji iz i'levan]Ей одиннадцать  лет.She is happy when[fi iz 'haepi | wenОна весела, когда уshe is free.Ji iz fri:]нее есть свободное  время.She is sad when[Ji iz 'sasd j wenОна грустна, когдаshe is busy.Ji iz 'bizi]занята.6. This is Pete.['Sis iz 'pi:t]Это Пит.He is very neat.[hi iz 'veri 'ni:t]Он очень опрятный.He is sixteen this[hi iz siks'tim Sis wi:k] На этой неделе емуweek. исполнится шест­  надцать лет.He is interested[hi iz 'intristid inОн интересуетсяin physics.'fiziks]физикой.7. That is dad.['dast iz 'dasd]Это папа.He is fifty-three.[hi iz 'fifti '0ri:]Ему пятьдесят три  года.He teaches English, [hi 'trtfiz TrjgliJ]Он преподает анг­  лийский.He speaks many[hi 'spi:ks 'maeniОн говоритlanguages.Taepgwidjiz]на многих языках.

6.Прочитайте вопросы и утвердительные ответы.

Is Pat 3?

Is Ted 6?

Is Dick 7?

Is Helen 11? Is Ben 10?

Is Pete 16? Is dad 53?

[Tz past '0ri:?] [Tz ted 'siks?] [Tz dik 'sevan?]

[Tz helm i'levan?] [Tz ben 'ten?]

[Tz pi:t siks'tim?] [Tz dasd 'fifti '0ri:?]

Yes, she is. Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Yes, he is.

['jes| Ji Tz] ['jes | hi Tz] ['jes | hi Tz] [ jes | Ji Tz] ['jes | hi Tz] ['jes j hi Tz] ['jes] hi Tz]


Решение #

1 used to/would

2 used to

3 didn't use to

4 used to/would

5 didn't use to

6 used to/would


6 Complete the sentences with used to or didn't use to. In which sentences could you also use would?

1 When I was a child, we used to go camping every summer by a beautiful lake.

2 I used to play football three times a week, but I don't anymore.

3 I didn’t use to like vegetables very much, but I love them now.

4 When I was younger, I used to go for long walks in the countryside with my family.

5 In the past, people didn’t use to lock their doors around here, but they do now.

6 My brother Tom used to make fun of me all the time when we were kids.


1. He has changed so much. If you met him, you would not recognize him. 2. If I were in your place, I would consult with my parents. 3. If a tram came up now, we would not be late. If he knew it would upset you, he would be more careful. 5. If you helped me to solve this problem, I would be very grateful to you. 6. It is a pity that it did not occur to us earlier to look for a book in the library. We would have done the job on time and would be free now. 7. It is a pity that we had so few lessons. If we worked harder, we would know the language better. 8. If he did not regularly go to training, he would not have achieved such success in competitions. 9. If you had warned me in advance, I would have already been in Moscow.

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Автор голубев ex 13, p 27 выпишите из текста урока в шесть колонок слова из текста урока с ударными гласными [а: ], [л], [»], [d], [з: ], [и: ].
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