L have mother and father.I haven't brother/sister.
1) If you BOIL water, it TURNS to steam. 2) If I WERE an astronaut, I WOULD TAKE the photos of Turkey from space. 3) If you PUT a stone in the water, it GOES down. 4) If you PUT oil into water, it FLOATS. 5) If there WERE no water onearth, we WOULDN'T EXIST. 6) If you WERE a bird, where WOULD you FLY to? 7) Anna WILL PASS the test if she STUDIES hard enough. 8) If you HEAT ice it MELTS. 9) I WOULDN'T DO that if I WERE you. 10) If he GETS any worse, I WILL TAKE him to the doctor's. 11) If the snow GETS any worse, we WILL HAVE TO stop walking. 12) If ice MELTS, it TURNS to water.
If I had seen Gerry at the meeting, I would have asked her. – Если бы я встретила Джерри во время собрания, я бы спросила ее. (Но я не встретила ее и не спросила). If I had seen Tom at the meeting, I could have asked him. – Если бы я встретил Тома на собрании, я смог бы спросить его. (Но его там не было, и поэтому это было невозможно). If I had seen him at the meeting, I might have asked him. – Если бы я встретил его на собрании, я мог бы спросить его. (Но я не уверен. Я бы спросил лишь при удобном случае) If I had paid more attention in class, I would have understood the lesson.- Если бы я был более внимателен во время урока, я бы понял урок. He wouldn`t have let him get away with that. - Он бы не спустил ему это с рук (если бы он попробовал сделать то же самое со мной).
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Написать одно предложение с have to в present simple и написать одно предложение с have to в past simple