People have always polluted their surroundings. But until now pollution was not such a serious problem. People lived in uncrowned rural areas and did not have pollution - causing machines. With the development of crowded industrial cities which put huge amounts of pollutants into small areas, the problem has become more important. Automobiles and other new inventions make pollution steadily worse.
Люди всегда загрязняли окружающую среду. Однако до последнего времени загрязнение не было такой серьезной проблемой. Люди жили в слабозаселенных сельскохозяйственных областях, у них не было загрязняющих природу машин. С развитием перенаселенных промышленных городов, в которых огромные количества отходов выбрасывались на маленькой площади, эта проблема стала гораздо серьезнее. Автомобили и другие новые изобретения делают загрязнение все интенсивнее.
I like interesting and funny movies. A film is a personal work of cinema. Technologically, a film is a separate work of cinematography, a set of moving images (fragments) related to a single plot. I last read a book by Harry Potter. The main characters are an orphaned boy Harry, Hermione and Ron, students at the Hogwarts School of Magic. They met on the train to the magic school. At Hogwarts, they learn magic. I really liked this book. Very strong. I would recommend young readers to read this book.
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Сдклать кратик пересказ 20 .this’. said the scientist taking a glass slide and putting it under the microscope, ’ is the famous cholera bacillus.’ the young man looked into the microscope. ‘little pieces of pink, ’ he muttered, ‘and yet they could destroy a city. are theses dangerous now? ’ ‘no, not very dangerous. but here is the living thing.’ the scientist picked up a test tube. ‘this is bottled cholera.’ the rather nervous young man looked at the test tube with satisfaction. he was at the scientist’s house that afternoon with a letter of introduction from an old friend. the scientist explained the terrible effects of cholera and added, ‘but it is very safe here, you know, very safe.’ when he came back, his visitor was looking at his watch. ‘i must be going, ’ he said. the scientist showed him out of the house but when he got back to the laboratory, he suddenly had a really horrible thought. ‘oh no! ’ he cried and rushed after the young man. ‘he has gone completely mad! ’ said minnie. ‘it’s that horrid science of his.’ the horse and cab left and then her husband stopped another cab and followed it. ‘i know he is a bit eccentric, ’ minnie said to herself, ‘but this! ’ she put on her coat and hat, picked up her husband’s shoes and went out. she stopped a passing cab. ‘drive me up the road, ’ she said. ‘i am looking for a gentleman with no shoes and hat.’ by this time, three cabs were driving extremely fast through the streets of london. the man in the first cab sat holding the test tube. he was quite afraid, but also incredibly excited. he was the first anarchist to do such a thing. he had planned everything brilliantly, forging a letter of introduction for the scientist. now, he would be famous if he could put the contents of the tube into the water supply. the anarchist looked back. the scientist’s cab was catching up. he stood up and gave the driver more money saying, ‘hurry up! faster! ’ the cab moved suddenly and when the anarchist put his hand down to keep his balance, he broke the test tube. he looked at the two or three drops of liquid on his hand. ‘well, i’ll be the first to die, ’ he said and drank the remaining drops. the scientist looked at him. ‘i see now.’ then a big smile came over the scientist’s face. the anarchist waved goodbye and walked away. ‘you see, that man who came round to the house is an anarchist, though i didn’t know that at the time. i was showing him a new bacteria we have that makes monkeys turn blue. like a fool i said it was cholera. and he stole it and ran away, probably to poison the water of london. and now he has drunk it. and he’ll turn blue! but my problem is i’ll have to prepare more bacteria. what? put on my shoes and coat? oh! very well, dear.’
Молодий чоловік заглянув в мікроскоп. 'Маленькі шматки гвоздики,' він бурмотав, 'і все ж вони змогли знищити місто. - тези, небезпечні зараз?'
'Ні, не дуже небезпечний. Але ось - жива річ.' Учений підняв пробірку. 'Це розлита в пляшки холера.'
Швидше нервовий молодий чоловік подивився на пробірку із задоволенням. Він знаходився в хаті ученого, що час після обіду з рекомендаційним листом від старого друга. Учений пояснив жахливі ефекти холери і додав, 'Але це дуже безпечно тут, ви знаєте, дуже безпечний.'
Коли він повернувся, його відвідувач дивиться на його годинник. 'Я повинен йти,' говорив він.
Учений показав йому поза хатою але коли він добрався назад до лабораторії, він несподівано мав дійсно страшну думку. 'О ні!' він плакав і пускався вдогонку за молодим чоловіком.
'Він з'їхав повністю з глузду!' говорила Minnie. 'Це - ця жахлива наука