
5вопросов к тексту pharmacy is the science which treats of medical substances. it deals not only with medicines and the art of compounding and dispensing them but with their combination, analysis and standardization. the word “pharmacy”is also used to define the place where medicines are compounded, dispensed and sold. the title “pharmacist” is conferred upon a person who demonstrates that he is scientifically and professionally capable to engage in the practice of pharmacy. the compounding of medicines which requires the scientific combination of two or more ingredients and their dispensing demand special, knowledge, experience and high professional standards. to become a pharmacist one should achieve knowledge of different subjects such as physics, chemistry, botany, etc. physics is the science which deals with matter in general, especially its relation to energy. it generally deals with constitution and properties of matter, mechanics, sound and light, heat, optics, electricity and magnetism. chemistry is the science which explains the composition of matter and the transformations which it undergoes. it has many divisions such as general chemistry, organic chemistry, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, physical chemistry, biochemistry and many other fields. botany is the science that deals with the structure, functions and classification of plants. pharmacognosy is the science, dealing with the history, source, cultivation, collection, preparation, distribution, composition, purity and preservation of drugs of vegetable and animal origin. pharmacology is the science of drugs a pharmacopoeia is a book containing a list of medicinal substances with formulas for their preparation. the pharmacopoeia describes also the proper method of packaging and storing the drug.

Английский язык


What is Pharmacy?
How else is the word “pharmacy” used?
What does Physics deal with?
What does Chemistry explain?
What is Pharmacognosy?
What does the Pharmacopoeia describe?
Somehow time mother sent me to "small travel"...  It gave me the list of purchases and sent to shop.  I came there and was surprised.  Never I yet wasn't in such big supermarket.  Looking back, I even forgot about the list, incidentally came across the big stand with candies.  In a few minutes the woman approached to me in the form of the consultant and addressed:  "To help you?  " - "yes", - I answered.  Having shown it the list, I asked what price of those most tasty candies.  She smiled to me and helped to deal with the list, and then itself bought me candies. 
Then I was still small, but to do shopping I will remember this case and my small travel!
Bella Sergei
I went to Moscow with her parents during the summer holidays. Capital left me with the impression of a huge, great and rich city. I would like to visit it more than once.
Walking through the center, I saw the Kremlin, Red Square, the burial of different great people near the Kremlin wall, including small black Lenin's Mausoleum. Seen and the famous Astronomical Clock on the Kremlin tower, which sounds the battle on TV every New Year. But most of all I liked the St. Basil's Cathedral. His brightly colored domes and turrets, he recalled on a magical palace.
In Moscow, a lot of beautiful flower beds and fountains. For example, on Poklonnaya Hill created large floral clock, and the fountains are illuminated with bright red light. They can not be distinguished from the flames.
Moscow River was much wider than I expected. We rode on the waterbus and watched the big ship. In the evening we were on the Kremlin embankment, it was lit bright as day.
In general, the entire capital of the night in the neon lights. Central department store resembles a house of Barbie dolls - each window is highlighted. It is very luxurious. In Moscow, as are many shops and restaurants designed for millionaires. Russians in general can not afford it. I think it's unfair inequality.
People in Moscow, all in a hurry and quickly go in droves. So I was very afraid of accidentally losing parents.
In Moscow, a lot of skyscrapers, such as the "Moscow City". Mum and dad took me to a skyscraper where on the tenth floor was a children's entertainment village. There I had fun from the heart!
It was impossible to visit the capital and did not go to the Tretyakov Gallery. I just got lost there among the plurality of pictures. It is better to make a few small museums to look at the pictures did not bother. Most of all I remember the famous landscape Shishkin's "Morning in a Pine Forest". The painting seems alive! It seems that you can go about it, go to the cubs painted and pet them.

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5вопросов к тексту pharmacy is the science which treats of medical substances. it deals not only with medicines and the art of compounding and dispensing them but with their combination, analysis and standardization. the word “pharmacy”is also used to define the place where medicines are compounded, dispensed and sold. the title “pharmacist” is conferred upon a person who demonstrates that he is scientifically and professionally capable to engage in the practice of pharmacy. the compounding of medicines which requires the scientific combination of two or more ingredients and their dispensing demand special, knowledge, experience and high professional standards. to become a pharmacist one should achieve knowledge of different subjects such as physics, chemistry, botany, etc. physics is the science which deals with matter in general, especially its relation to energy. it generally deals with constitution and properties of matter, mechanics, sound and light, heat, optics, electricity and magnetism. chemistry is the science which explains the composition of matter and the transformations which it undergoes. it has many divisions such as general chemistry, organic chemistry, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, physical chemistry, biochemistry and many other fields. botany is the science that deals with the structure, functions and classification of plants. pharmacognosy is the science, dealing with the history, source, cultivation, collection, preparation, distribution, composition, purity and preservation of drugs of vegetable and animal origin. pharmacology is the science of drugs a pharmacopoeia is a book containing a list of medicinal substances with formulas for their preparation. the pharmacopoeia describes also the proper method of packaging and storing the drug.
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