
Переведите этот текст в present continuous . на это картинке человек пьет чай . это один из традиций . люди на картинке пьют чай с пирожными и тортами . а на стуле сидит кот , он наблюдает за чаепитием . в чашку наливают молоко а потом чай . в интернете я узнал интересные факты : ежедневно в стране выпивают около 120 миллионов чашек чая пьют чай не меньше 6–7 раз в день британцы не пьют чай с лимоном, называя его «чаем по-» в книге «как быть британцем» написано что вы никогда не должны отказываться от чашки чая если на улице жарко холодно; если вы устали .

Английский язык


On this picture a person drinks tea. This is one of the traditions of England.People in the picture drink tea with cakes and cakes.And on the chair sits a cat, he watches for tea drinking.In a cup, pour milk and then tea.
On the Internet I found interesting facts:About 120 million cups of tea are consumed daily in the countryThe English drink tea at least 6-7 times a dayBritons do not drink tea with lemon, calling it "tea in Russian"In the book "How to Be a British" it is written that you should never give up a cup of tea if the outside is hot and cold; if you are tired.

ответ: 1 задание:

1. I had not finished.

2. She had lost.

3. The bus had already left.

4. He had read.

5. She had hidden.

6. Had Jane arrived.

7. Had taken.

2 задание:

1. Frank said that he had been to the bank.

2. Alex said that he really wanted to be a pilot.

3. Ella said that she hadn't stood romantic films.

4. The woman said that the young boy had taken her bag.

5. The police officers said that they had watched the people in a house.

6. The young man said that he hadn't seen the robbery.

7. Paula said that Dora hadn't asked her about her exam results.

3 задание:

1., I have lost my mobile at the party,

2., I have too ill to gone to work,

3., We have met at restaurant at 8.30 p.m.,

4., You have lated for the lesson,

5., The concert didn't started,

6., I have looked for someone with a lot of experience,


ответ: 1 задание:

1. I had not finished.

2. She had lost.

3. The bus had already left.

4. He had read.

5. She had hidden.

6. Had Jane arrived.

7. Had taken.

2 задание:

1. Frank said that he had been to the bank.

2. Alex said that he really wanted to be a pilot.

3. Ella said that she hadn't stood romantic films.

4. The woman said that the young boy had taken her bag.

5. The police officers said that they had watched the people in a house.

6. The young man said that he hadn't seen the robbery.

7. Paula said that Dora hadn't asked her about her exam results.

3 задание:

1., I have lost my mobile at the party,

2., I have too ill to gone to work,

3., We have met at restaurant at 8.30 p.m.,

4., You have lated for the lesson,

5., The concert didn't started,

6., I have looked for someone with a lot of experience,

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Переведите этот текст в present continuous . на это картинке человек пьет чай . это один из традиций . люди на картинке пьют чай с пирожными и тортами . а на стуле сидит кот , он наблюдает за чаепитием . в чашку наливают молоко а потом чай . в интернете я узнал интересные факты : ежедневно в стране выпивают около 120 миллионов чашек чая пьют чай не меньше 6–7 раз в день британцы не пьют чай с лимоном, называя его «чаем по-» в книге «как быть британцем» написано что вы никогда не должны отказываться от чашки чая если на улице жарко холодно; если вы устали .
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