
What's that smell? something ) in the kitchen.

Английский язык


What's that smell? Something is burning in the kitchen.
Is burning
это всё, обращайся ещё
1.Представьте себе школу, где студенты не играют  в футбол и баскетбол на уроках физкультуры. Вместо этого они учатся жонглировать и быстро летают по воздуху на трапеции! Такая школа действительно существует. Она называется Цирк летающих фруктов и находится в Водонге, в Австралии.
2.Студенты в этой школе овладевают цирковыми навыками, такими как акробатика, клоунада, танец, трапеция и эквилибристика. Они также изучают танцы, театр и музыку и принимают участие во многих спектаклях и экскурсиях.
3.Студенты нес летают весь день по воздуху! Они должны усердно изучать все обычные предметы такие, как математика и естествознание, они должны приходить вовремя, надевать школьную форму и выключать свои гаджеты в классе (но иногда они не должны выключать свои MPЗ плееры, однако!). Кроме того, им не очень легко в школе.Они должны пройти (изучить)  навыки циркового курса, а затем школа выбирает студентов.
4. После окончания циркового училища, некоторые студенты становятся исполнителями, а другие нет. Но все они получают уникальный опыт в школе. Это место, где обычные студенты могут делать невероятные вещи!
People usually go to beach for having fun and spend their holidays. There are so many activities to do in the beach, for instance, surfing, snorkeling or just sun tanning, boating and jet skiing. As well as other people do I enjoy spending my holidays and free days in the beaches with my friends. I HAVE DECIDED to share with you how I spent my holiday with my girlfriend on the beach. It was  last summer, I spent my holidays with my girlfriend on the Vung Tau Beach. This is one of the beautiful beaches in Viet Nam. WE HAVE CHOSEN IT TOGETHER  It took two hours to get there. We concentrated at a bus station and at 5 a.m. we started our trip by bus. Although I felt tired after two long hours, but the sea air made me freshen up. After few minutes Bien Dong was in front of us and the Bien Dong’s length is 750 m. with beautiful sea and form of entertainment is multiform. It is famous beach in Asia. We arranged our bags. After that, we went to swim in the blue sea, and we felt the salted taste of the sea. The weather was wonderful, and the golden light was spreading on in the white sand. The tiny waves were crashing into the beach. It is suitable for swimming. After swimming, we started to build sand castles, listened to the sounds of the waves, and enjoyed some special sea foods. In the afternoon, we rode around on the road from the back to the front of the beach by double-bicycles. There was a wonderful sight: the sea on one side and the mountains on the other. It really made me forget everything and relax. And then, we decided to climb the Tao Phuong mountain. The Standing God’s shoulder is great. We saw the mountains, houses and the wide sea. When we were climbing down the mountain, we bought some souvenirs for our friends. The day went by so fast. I wanted to stay there longer but we had to come back to the city the day after. The next day the trip was short but it had a strong impression on me. My girlfriend and I have many memories of that day.

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What's that smell? something ) in the kitchen.
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