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Hello! how are you? Yesterday my sister and mother went to the zoo. There were lions, elephants, monkeys and other animals. I went to the cage with a giraffe and fed it with bread, I think he liked it. Then we went to the cage with the polar bears. They rolled so funny on the snow. But most of all I liked the elephant, he has such big ears and he clapped them. Good-bye, tell me where you went yesterday!

                                                   The Owl

Owls are medium-sized birds with a flat round face, big eyes, long legs, strong talons and curved beaks. They can be brown, rust, grey, white and black.

Most owls usually sleep during the day and are awake at night. They eat mice, voles, fish, birds and insects. Owls are very successful hunters because they can fly silently.

There are small and big owls. They live in all regions of the Earth except polar ice caps and some remote islands.

Совы —  птицы среднего размера с плоским круглым лицом, большими глазами, длинными ногами, сильными когтями и изогнутыми клювами. Они могут быть коричневыми, рыжеватыми, серыми, белыми и черными.

Большинство сов обычно спят днем и бодрствуют ночью. Они едят мышей, полевок, рыб, птиц и насекомых. Совы очень успешные охотники, потому что умеют летать тихо.

Бывают маленькие и большие совы. Они живут во всех регионах Земли, кроме полярных полюсов и некоторых отдаленных островов.

In the summer holidays I went to rest in camp "Sunny." It is situated on the shore of the Sea of ​​Azov, in the pine forest.
In our camp there were 12 teams, and I got to the fifth. Counselors Daniel Ivanovic, Svetlana Igorevna Anna Vladimirovna jokingly called us "pioneers."
Even in the "Sunny" four shifts, each for 18 days. I came just for the best: a third. The first few days I was still homesick, but soon business camp took me entirely.
Every day we have a lot of interesting things happened: different concerts and competitions. For example, we celebrated "Neptune Day" and were making masks, hats, and jewelry made of plastic wrappers, old shiny discs of colored paper. Then we dressed up as mermaids, fish, water, even in the "Sponge Bob", danced and sang.
The camp worked several circles. Girls sewing soft toys, woven beaded jewelry. I went to the clay modeling and computer class.
It was a lot of fun at sea. It is a pity that for a long time were not allowed to bathe counselors. But we played volleyball in the sand. In the evening we went to the counselors at the disco and always late at the beginning because of the girls, who have long collected and painted.

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