
Объяснить. choose the 5 most important and the five least important features of a good school. explain your choice: a comfortable and spacious school building highly qualified and creative teachers eager and willing pupils friendly atmosphere a lot of up-to-date equipment good sports facilities a good canteen a good medical centre psychological help career counseling up-to-date information technology and computer laboratories with internet access a swimming pool time-tested traditions good school furniture effective rules and regulations school bus service a clever and efficient headmaster or headmistress understanding and caring teachers a good library with video and audio materials good school grounds fitted with everything necessary youth clubs drama, music and art societies a big garden with flowerbeds and greenhouses

Английский язык


Задание: выписать 5 самых важных критериев для хорошей школы и 5 самых незначимых. и просто выписываешь то, что тебе кажется очень важным и не особо важным по 5 пунктов
Забудте обо всём реальном и окунитесь в фантастический мир с Диснейлэнд Токио
Прокатитесь на  Круизе из Джунглей, исследуйте крошечные миры, покатайтесь на водных горках на Сплаш Моунтэйне и поешьте домашнюю еду в Кухоньке бабушке Сары
Прежде чем вернуться в реальность убедитесь что вы:
-Поздоровались за руки  со своими любимыми мультипликационными персонажами 
-исследовали дом с приведениями и увидели призраков
-вы летали с питером пеном на пиратском корабле по ночному небу
- вы ездили на Тунтаунской амереканской горке
- вы отправились в путешествие на ракете в Старджете

долго писала, признай лучшим

Dear John.

I heard that you want to visit Belarus. My country is very beautiful and wonderful. I'm happy that you decide to visit my country. There are a lot of amazing and unforgettable landscapes and buildings in Belarus. I think that my favourite building is National Library. It is the main building of my country. All of Belarusians know it very well. There are almost all books of the world. If you go to this library, you can read all books in electronic version. I wait you and I want to go with you to Nation Library.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Объяснить. choose the 5 most important and the five least important features of a good school. explain your choice: a comfortable and spacious school building highly qualified and creative teachers eager and willing pupils friendly atmosphere a lot of up-to-date equipment good sports facilities a good canteen a good medical centre psychological help career counseling up-to-date information technology and computer laboratories with internet access a swimming pool time-tested traditions good school furniture effective rules and regulations school bus service a clever and efficient headmaster or headmistress understanding and caring teachers a good library with video and audio materials good school grounds fitted with everything necessary youth clubs drama, music and art societies a big garden with flowerbeds and greenhouses
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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