
Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на позицию группы обстоятельства и вводных конструкций. 1. women in most countries are choosing to have fewer children than ever before, according to a report on world population trends released yesterday. the average number of children in families in developing countries has fallen from six to three in 25 years. 2. the jersey zoo that durrell founded in 1959 lurched from one financial crisis to another in the initial years. 3. young children who sleep with the light on are much more likely to be short-sighted when they grow up, according to new research published yesterday. 4. black-cab fares in london are to rise so that taxis can meet strict standards on pollution by 2007, the mayor said. 5. jesse jackson discussed an izrael-hezbollah prisoner swap with syrian president on sunday in damascus. 6. they are not allowed to own more than 49 per cent of a fishing boat under lebanese law, or even to join fishermen's unions; so they are even more vulnerable than many of their peers. 7. "there is no statistical correlation between stars and success, " said abraham ravid, a professor of economics and finance at rutgers university in new jersey. yet there is a bedrock belief that the winning formula consists of the right star in the right movie. 8. several of the plotters had travelled to pakistan within weeks of the arrests, according to an american counterterrorism official. 9. several of the suspects met through their involvement in the charity, a friend of one of the suspects said. 10. iran took in $45 billion in oil revenue last year, the council on foreign relations in new york says. 11. a new book by pulitzer prize-winning author norman mailer — his first novel in 10 years — will be released in january, publisher random mouse announced. 12. there had been a boy among fred's fellow pupils in the sixth form who possessed a virtually photographic memory.

Английский язык


Если нужен перевод на русский вот,переводила через переводчик так что смотрите сами
1. Женщины в большинстве стран предпочитают иметь меньше детей
чем когда-либо прежде, согласно докладу о мировых тенденциях в области народонаселения
выпущенный вчера. Среднее число детей в семьях в
развивающиеся страны сократились с шести до трех за последние 25 лет. 2.
Джерси-зоопарк, основанный в 1959 году,
кризис к другому в первые годы. 3. Маленькие дети, которые спят
при свете света гораздо вероятнее близоруки, когда
они растут, согласно опубликованным вчера новым исследованиям. 4.
Цены на черную такси в Лондоне повышаются, так что такси могут соответствовать строгим
стандарты по загрязнению к 2007 году, сказал мэр. 5. Джесси Джексон
обсудил обмен заключенными Израиля и Хезболлы с президентом Сирии
в воскресенье в Дамаске. 6. Им не разрешается иметь больше, чем
49 процентов рыболовного судна по ливанскому законодательству или даже присоединиться к нему
рыболовные союзы; поэтому они еще более уязвимы, чем многие из их сверстников. 7. «Нет статистической корреляции между звездами и
успех ", сказал Абрахам Равид, профессор экономики и финансов
в Университете Рутгерса в Нью-Джерси. Тем не менее, есть коренная вера
что выигрышная формула состоит из правой звезды справа
кино. 8. Несколько заговорщиков отправились в Пакистан в течение
недель арестов, по словам американского контртеррористического чиновника. 9. Некоторые из подозреваемых встретились через их участие в
благотворительность, сказал друг одного из подозреваемых. 10. Иран взял $ 45
млрд. долл. США в году, Совет по международным отношениям в
Говорит Нью-Йорк. 11. Новая книга автора книги Пулитцеровской премии
Норман Мейлер - его первый роман за 10 лет - будет выпущен в
Январь, объявил издатель Random Mouse. 12. Был
мальчик среди учеников Фреда в шестой форме, обладавший
практически фотографическая память.
Britain which is formally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the political unity of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 
It is located on the British Isles
Its total area is about 244 thousand square kilometres. 
The coasts of the UK are washed by seas of 2 oceans:  the Arctic and the Atlantic.
The scenery is the coastline is rather picturesque.
The capital of the UK is London.
The official language is English.
The national symbols of the UK are the Red rose and the Lion, the flag 'Union Jack', and the anthem 'God Save the Queen'.
Its form of government is a constitutional monarchy.
Officially the supreme legislative authority is the Queen in Parliament
and the two Houses of Parliament .and the elected House of Commons. 
But The Queen officially opens each Parliamentary session.
The  three major parties are the conservative party, the new labour party, and the democratic liberal party.
The largest cities are Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff.
The chief river is the Thames River 
Britain's major industries include  iron and steel engineering, shipbuilding, electronics.
Nowadays, many people forget that such courtesy,especially the youth of today.I remember my grandmother who was very religious and polite.When I was (-) as a teenager I always stay (s) at my grandma's.So you come to her,and she gives you something good,yummy feed.Remember how I always asked (but) when we sat over a Cup of hot tea in the winter,when the window was raging snowstorm,sit and talk heart to heart with his grandmother.And we talked about it:
-You remember your young years...-he started the conversation the old lady.-at that time it was not so as now...and the other village people and others.In our times the youth has always been polite.
-Grandma!What is "politeness"?
-Well,-she sighed,-Politeness is a human characteristic which characterizes the personality good manners, good deeds and education.Under the politeness is usually described as the ability to communicate respectfully with people, a willingness to find a compromise and listen to opposing points of view.So that was my wonderful day at my grandmother's.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на позицию группы обстоятельства и вводных конструкций. 1. women in most countries are choosing to have fewer children than ever before, according to a report on world population trends released yesterday. the average number of children in families in developing countries has fallen from six to three in 25 years. 2. the jersey zoo that durrell founded in 1959 lurched from one financial crisis to another in the initial years. 3. young children who sleep with the light on are much more likely to be short-sighted when they grow up, according to new research published yesterday. 4. black-cab fares in london are to rise so that taxis can meet strict standards on pollution by 2007, the mayor said. 5. jesse jackson discussed an izrael-hezbollah prisoner swap with syrian president on sunday in damascus. 6. they are not allowed to own more than 49 per cent of a fishing boat under lebanese law, or even to join fishermen's unions; so they are even more vulnerable than many of their peers. 7. "there is no statistical correlation between stars and success, " said abraham ravid, a professor of economics and finance at rutgers university in new jersey. yet there is a bedrock belief that the winning formula consists of the right star in the right movie. 8. several of the plotters had travelled to pakistan within weeks of the arrests, according to an american counterterrorism official. 9. several of the suspects met through their involvement in the charity, a friend of one of the suspects said. 10. iran took in $45 billion in oil revenue last year, the council on foreign relations in new york says. 11. a new book by pulitzer prize-winning author norman mailer — his first novel in 10 years — will be released in january, publisher random mouse announced. 12. there had been a boy among fred's fellow pupils in the sixth form who possessed a virtually photographic memory.
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