
Вставьте артикли где необходимо "a/an/the". swift, famous english writer, was travelling one day on horseback with his servant. weather was bad, it was raining, and roads were muddy. in evening the two men came to inn. before going to bed swift told his servant to clean his boots. servant was lazy and did not do it. in morning swift asked servant why he had not cleaned boots. "what's use of cleaning boots now? "said servant. " roads are muddy, and boots will soon be dirty again." "all right, "said writer. "let's go. we must continue journey." "but i haven't had breakfast, " said displeased servant." "well, what's use of giving you breakfast now? " said swift: "you will soon be hungry again."

Английский язык



swift, a famous english writer, was travelling one day on horseback with his servant. the  weather was bad, it was raining, and the roads were muddy. in the  evening the two men came to an inn. before going to bed swift told his servant to clean his boots. but the servant was lazy and did not do it. in the  morning swift asked the servant why he had not cleaned the  boots. "what's the  use of cleaning the boots now? "said the servant. "the  roads are muddy, and the boots will soon be dirty again." "all right,"said the  writer. "let's go. we must continue the  journey." "but i haven't had  breakfast," said the displeased servant." "well, what's the use of giving you  breakfast now? " said swift: "you will soon be hungry again."


swift, a famous english writer, was travelling one day on horseback with his servant. the  weather was bad, it was raining, and the roads were muddy. in the  evening the two men came to an inn. before going to bed swift told his servant to clean his boots. but the servant was lazy and did not do it. in the  morning swift asked the servant why he had not cleaned the  boots. "what's the  use of cleaning the boots now? "said the servant. "the  roads are muddy, and the boots will soon be dirty again." "all right,"said the  writer. "let's go. we must continue the  journey." "but i haven't had  breakfast," said the displeased servant." "well, what's the use of giving you  breakfast now? " said swift: "you will soon be hungry again.

Привожу полное предложение и перевод the land resources of a collective farm may be actually reshaped in one way or another for better farming and levelled for more efficient irrigation, terraced to hold rainfall and strip cropped to save soil and water. земельные ресурсы колхоза можно тем или иным способом реорганизовать c целью улучшения хозяйствования; почву можно выровнять для более эффективного орошения/ирригации и террасировать для удержания дождевой влаги; применить полосное земледелие для сохранения почвы и воды.
Обе газеты имеют еженедельные обзоры книг, женские страницы и другие обычные характеристики. "экспресс" и "почта" отличаются от "солнца", "дейли стар" и "дейли миррор" и считаются газетами "среднего рынка".почти все воскресные газеты национальные. воскресные газеты предлагают большие разделы, посвященные и искусству, бизнесу и спорту. они приходят вместе с цветными приложениями, бесплатными журналами или программами телевидения. наиболее популярные воскресные газеты "санди таймс", "обозреватель", которые являются старейшими воскресными газетами, "санди телеграф" и "независимое воскресенье". "новости мира" - газета, которая является бестселлером в воскресенье, имеет спрос за его подробные отчеты о преступности, отчеты о спортивных состязаниях и политические дебаты. "воскресное зеркало" содержит популярные статьи о знаменитостях, в которых  много слухов и много фотографий.   газета "люди" предлагает и особенности "настоящей жизни". газеты  "санди экспресс" и "почта в воскресенье" похожи на их ежедневные аналоги по стилю и содержанию.также в национальной прессе, существует много региональных и местных газет. они варьируются от ежедневных газет по воскресеньям и других, которые публикуются раз в неделю. региональные и местные газеты содержат материалы об общественности, а также информацию о местных театрах и кино. местные газеты не делятся на "популярные" и "качественные" газеты. местные газеты, как правило, пишутся в простом стиле. многие местные газеты обычно не содержат ничего, кроме рекламы, доставляются бесплатно и называются "свободными листами".

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Вставьте артикли где необходимо "a/an/the". swift, famous english writer, was travelling one day on horseback with his servant. weather was bad, it was raining, and roads were muddy. in evening the two men came to inn. before going to bed swift told his servant to clean his boots. servant was lazy and did not do it. in morning swift asked servant why he had not cleaned boots. "what's use of cleaning boots now? "said servant. " roads are muddy, and boots will soon be dirty again." "all right, "said writer. "let's go. we must continue journey." "but i haven't had breakfast, " said displeased servant." "well, what's use of giving you breakfast now? " said swift: "you will soon be hungry again."
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