
The modern olympic games are over 100 years old.they take place every four years in a different city and country.there are two types of games -the summer olympics and the winter olympics.they don, t take place in the same year.the winter olympics are two eas after the summer games.the judges for the games come from all over the world.

Английский язык


Александр Сергей
Перевод? если да то:Современные Олимпийские игры старше 100 лет. Они проводятся каждые четыре года в разных городах и странах. Существуют два типа игр: летние Олимпийские игры и зимние Олимпийские игры. Они не проходят в том же году. зимние Олимпийские игры - это два сезона после летних игр. Судьи для игр приходят со всего мира
У сучасних Олімпійських іграх більше 100 років. Вони відбуваються кожні чотири роки в іншому місті та країні. Існують два типи ігор - літні олімпійські ігри та зимові Олімпійські ігри. Вони не беруть участь у тому ж році. Зимові Олімпійські ігри складають дві епохи після літніх ігор. Судді для ігор приходять з усього світу.
Татьяна Марина1287

A lonely young woman walking by the Seine river. It is evening and the sun's almost set, pouring the sidewalk with mild orange, concentrating and stretching the shadows. It is late autumn and everything is still. The river is still, either the sky and The Eiffell Tower, warming itself with the last evening sunrays on the background. Looks like the sun stopped for a minute to glance at this urban landscape before it will be devoured by a crawling night. River trams are motionless and empty. The birch tree said goodbye to its summer dress long time ago and only waits for winter. The woman is dressed in red demi-season light overcoat, she have not very short black hair, tied up in a ponytail. She's the only one who moves, yet very smoothly, even slightly. She is the only element of life on this still, poised picture (sight). Will she cross Debilly footbridge or walk along the riverside? Who knows. But it is for sure, that she will disappear.



This picture shows a young person (girl). As you can see in the picture, she is sitting in the phone. At the moment, a lot of young people are sitting in smartphones, gadgets, and so on. Without spending time studying, reading, etc. Sitting in smartphones can be both useful and not useful. It may be useful that you can read books and so on do not spend time in vain and it is not useful to sit in games for hours which contributes to poor vision. Don't sit on your phones for too long if you want good eyesight.



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The modern olympic games are over 100 years old.they take place every four years in a different city and country.there are two types of games -the summer olympics and the winter olympics.they don, t take place in the same year.the winter olympics are two eas after the summer games.the judges for the games come from all over the world.
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