1. Поиски работы - job search
профессиональное учебное заведение - professional university
профессиональные контакты - job contacts
служба трудоустройства - job counseling
обучение и руководство - training and guidance
1. To begin your job search, you must identify the kind of job you want.
2. Include work you have been trained to do, work you have actually done, and work you enjoy doing.
3. Thinking and talking help you build a network of people interested in helping you.
4. Job counseling is a professional service that may include vocational interest and aptitude testing
5.Yes, It is providing training and guidance in the various steps at a job search.
4 Complete the sentences with the derivatives' of the words on the right.
Example: We have an at the end of the term. examine
We have an examination at the end of the term.
1) We are writing a dictation tomorrow.
2) She has got a very good collection of paintings.
3) I don't know much about education in America.
4) We didn't like the illustrations in the book.
5) When do English people have Christmas celebrations?
6) Dad was putting up the Christmas decorations.
dictate collect educate illustrate celebrate decorate
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Сhange negative forms into the positive forms without full stops. 1. Mary doesn’t fish 2. Our teacher doesn’t say Our teacher says 3. She doesn’t tidy
Mary fishes Our teacher says she tidies