
Перевидите на меня завут маша я хочу розказать про своего брата назара ему 7 лет он учица в 14 школе как и я мы любим друг друга вместе ходим в школу играмся делать уроки иногда готовим вместе кушать он берет у меня советы за внимание пока.

Английский язык




Hi my name Mary I want roskazat about your brother Nazar 7 years old, he uchitsa in 14 school as I do we love each other walk to school together igrama helping to do homework, sometimes cooking together to eat he takes me advice thank you for your attention yet.


Hello my name is Masha.

I want to tell you about my younger brother Nazar. He is 7 years old.

He goes to school like me.

We love each other, we go to school, we play, I'm helping him with his homework.

Sometimes we cook.

Thank you for attention, until


A great way for meeting single parents is to develop new hobbies and interests.

Hobbies and Interests: Do you and your spouse share a common hobby or interest that could be used as a theme for your wedding reception?

A groom's cake is a rich dessert that is specially designed to honor the groom's tastes, preferences, and hobbies.



You can begin developing shared hobbies, have conversations, and spend time together doing a variety of activities that simply can't be done with a newborn.My hobbies include fishing and hiking in the spring and fall, respectively.

Татьяна Марина1287

A great way for meeting single parents is to develop new hobbies and interests.

Hobbies and Interests: Do you and your spouse share a common hobby or interest that could be used as a theme for your wedding reception?

A groom's cake is a rich dessert that is specially designed to honor the groom's tastes, preferences, and hobbies.



You can begin developing shared hobbies, have conversations, and spend time together doing a variety of activities that simply can't be done with a newborn.My hobbies include fishing and hiking in the spring and fall, respectively.

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Перевидите на меня завут маша я хочу розказать про своего брата назара ему 7 лет он учица в 14 школе как и я мы любим друг друга вместе ходим в школу играмся делать уроки иногда готовим вместе кушать он берет у меня советы за внимание пока.
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