Probably many in my childhood I want to be an astronaut or a ballerina, and some like several professions. As they grow, to change the childhood dreams come to think seriously about choosing a vocation, and I have often thought about this question. I'm very curious and sociable person, I like to learn and talk about current events, I'm always interested in people's opinions about any problems. Constant communication, both with peers and with adults is very important to me. In addition, I love to write stories, compose a small note, and has published several works. So the answer to the question "Who do I want to work?" for I have found: I want to do journalism, and I believe this is my calling, just haven't decided yet where to go on TV, in a magazine or newspaper. The profession of a journalist like me for many reasons. First, this is a very interesting exercise, devoid of monotony and monotony, because the topics on which journalists write, can be very different. This work cannot be called boring, as a journalist should be ready for any eventuality, for example, to get an urgent job and go on the edge of the world. I am also very attracted by the opportunity to frequently travel to different cities and countries, to communicate with interesting people. Secondly, journalists can help to get justice, if there is a collision, as well as to help those distressed person, attracting to it the attention of a large number of people. Thirdly, if I become a journalist, it will help me realize my dream: I want to produce their own printed book or a television show for young audiences. Discuss there can be many different questions: about fashion, travel, music, and also to talk about relationships, psychology, education and many other topics. To be a journalist is a big responsibility, you have to be honest and principled man, after all, how will be presented with news, depends on people's attitude to the past event. In addition, the profession requires curiosity, sociability, and most importantly, indifference to the problems of people
How is ship's speed measured? Ship's speed is measured in knots.
When is distressed signal given? Distress signal is given in case of fire on the ship.
What is the wheel-house equipped with? The wheel-house is equipped with all the modern navigational devices and instruments.
Where can the speed be reduced or increased from? The speed of the ship can be reduced or increased either from the vain remote control station or from the bridge wings.
What is the ship supplied with? The ship is supplied with such modern conveniences as shower-rooms, a laundry and a sauna.
How is the cargo disposed? The cargo is disposed ih holds.
What is bulk carried in? Bulk is carried in holds.
Who is informed of all the dangers? The crew is informed of all the dangers.
Why are dangers marked? Dangers are marked to inform the crew of emergencies.
Where are ships built? Ships are built at the Turku shipyard in Finland.
What is ship damage caused by? Ship damage is caused by the hazards above.
Where are ships repaired? Ships are repaired at shipyards.