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поставил на фоте если не непонятно поставил фото READING Task 1. Read the dialogue and complete the task. Two friends are trying to decide what film to watch. Tom: We could see The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Its an old westem Mike: I saw that a few weeks ago with my dad. Tom: Did you like it? Mike: I found it boring. Too many cowboys and horses. I prefer horror films. LetIs get Friday the 13th. Its a classic. Tom: I watched it last night on TV. It didn t scare me at all. Mike: Well, what about a comedy with Jim Carrey? Tom: Again? We rented a conmedy last week. How about Star Wars? Mike: No, not science fiction again. And no more adventure films, please. Lets get something different Tom: Well, whatIs left? What about this one, A Love Story? Ha, ha! Mike: Yuk! Not a romance. No way. How about one with crime or a drama? Tom: I know! Silence of the Lambs with Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. It won Oscars for best actress, actor and director in 1992. Mike: Its also a horror film. Wicked O letIs get it. Part 1. Choose the correct answer. 1. What film didnt scare Tom? A) Star Wars B) Friday the 13th C) Good, the Bad and the Ugly 2. Who was the main actress in the film Silence of the Lambs? A) Keira Knightley B) Anthony Hopkins. C) Jodie Foster Part 2. Find the words from the text that refer to each type of film. 3. a film that makes you feel afraid 4. a film with cowboys 5. a film with aliens and about space 6. a film about murders, thieves and robbers 6 points ​

Английский язык


Эм не ври ты даёшь 10

Lubbock victim iffy arch CCTV stuck them zoo USB crunch TV rhythm shock icon particular harsh USB deck public crib dub fishing


111. Использовать () или в случае необходимости.

1. Я слышал ... музыка так и подмывала войти. 2. ... музыка, которую он играл, была

грустной и прекрасной. 3. Я люблю ... Русская литература. 4. Она пишет диссертацию

Русская литература XVIII века ... 5. Мы все ею интересуемся ...

Японское искусство. 6. У моего дедушки был ... долгая жизнь. 7. книга об этом ... жизнь

Сомерсета Моэма. 8. ... жизнь полна сюрпризов. 9. это был А. Хачатурян

Концерт для ... Фортепиано и ... Скрипка. 10. Она играет ... пианино прекрасно, но не

может играть ... Скрипка вообще. 11. эта галерея имеет ... Тициан и

Тициан и ... Рубенс. 12.

Первый Beatles получили ... международная известность пришла в 1962 году, а распалась в 1970-м.




1. I heard a music and was tempted to enter. 2. A music he was playing wassad and lovely. 3. I am fond of a Russian literature. 4. She is writing a thesisRussian literature of the 186 century 5. We are all interested inJapanese art. 6. My grandfather had a long life. 7. The book is about life ofSomerset Maugham. 8. A life is full of surprises 9. It was A. Khachaturian'sConcerto for a Piano and a Violin. 10. She plays a piano perfectly butcannot play a violin at all. 11. This gallery has a Titian and Rubens. 12. The Beatles first gained an international fame in 1962 and broke up in 1970text

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поставил на фоте если не непонятно поставил фото READING Task 1. Read the dialogue and complete the task. Two friends are trying to decide what film to watch. Tom: We could see The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Its an old westem Mike: I saw that a few weeks ago with my dad. Tom: Did you like it? Mike: I found it boring. Too many cowboys and horses. I prefer horror films. LetIs get Friday the 13th. Its a classic. Tom: I watched it last night on TV. It didn t scare me at all. Mike: Well, what about a comedy with Jim Carrey? Tom: Again? We rented a conmedy last week. How about Star Wars? Mike: No, not science fiction again. And no more adventure films, please. Lets get something different Tom: Well, whatIs left? What about this one, A Love Story? Ha, ha! Mike: Yuk! Not a romance. No way. How about one with crime or a drama? Tom: I know! Silence of the Lambs with Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins. It won Oscars for best actress, actor and director in 1992. Mike: Its also a horror film. Wicked O letIs get it. Part 1. Choose the correct answer. 1. What film didnt scare Tom? A) Star Wars B) Friday the 13th C) Good, the Bad and the Ugly 2. Who was the main actress in the film Silence of the Lambs? A) Keira Knightley B) Anthony Hopkins. C) Jodie Foster Part 2. Find the words from the text that refer to each type of film. 3. a film that makes you feel afraid 4. a film with cowboys 5. a film with aliens and about space 6. a film about murders, thieves and robbers 6 points ​
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