
Healthy habits Read the words and drag them into the correct order to make up sentences. Take note of using sentence starters.

Английский язык




The indirect object is a noun or pronoun, and it comes before the direct object in a sentence. Self-practice EXERCISE 3.3. Use what


Моей любимой профессией является  ветеринар.Втеринар и животных.Эта работа на столько интересная что даже и не важно работать на улице или в помещении.Она доставляет большое удовольствие.И не важно  кого ты лечишь и кому ты животным или людям.Эта работа понять смысл жизни:ты понимаешь что жизнь наполнена такой энергией что ты буто завелся и хочешь этим бедняжкам каторе могут чтото поранить а иногда даже поломать,и хочеться и бесконечно-всему миру животных.Даже не интересует то какая у тебя зарплата высокая или низкая.У каждого ветеринара есть рабочая форма,но мне нравиться эта работа не потому что в ней выдается форма,а потому что она интересна.И совсем не важно есть или нет рабочей формы,главное есть интерес к работе.Так давайте будем добрее и будем миру,ведь жизнь будет наполнена дружбой когда в нее войдет доброта.


My favorite profession is veterinar.Vterinar helps and saves zhivotnyh.Eta work on so much interesting that not even important to work on the street or take great pomeschenii.Ona udovolstvie.I not matter who you are and who you lechish helping animals or work lyudyam.Eta helps to understand the meaning of life, you realize that life is filled with so much energy that you butoh wound up and want to help these poor things Katori something can hurt and sometimes even break, and I want to help and assist the infinite world zhivotnyh.Dazhe not care if what your highest salary or nizkaya.U every vet has a working form, but I do not like this work because it is given shape, but because it interesna.I does not matter whether or not working form, the main interest is rabote.Tak let's be kind and will help the world, because life is full of friendship when it enters kindness.

Easter is one of the most important Christian holidays. The exact date of the holiday changes from year to year but it usually falls on April. Preparation for Easter starts seven weeks before the actual holiday. It’s called the advent of Lent. Many Christian people don’t eat meat and animal products during this period. The week before Easter is quite busy because people start thoroughly preparing for the holiday. The traditions of Easter celebration vary from country to country. For example, in our country the Sunday before Easter is called a Willow Sunday. On this day people bring home some willow branches which have been blessed in church. Thursday before Easter is called Clean Thursday. Traditionally people should bathe before sunrise on this day. Houses and flats should be cleaned too. There is also a Good Friday. It’s the day when women bake Easter bread called “paska” or “paskha”. On Saturday children dye Easter eggs, which are called “pysankas”. In the evening people go to church for the Easter mass, which lasts all night. Sunday is the actual day of Easter. People visit each other on this day and exchange colourful “pysankas”. In English-speaking countries the official symbol of this holiday is Easter bunny. Children are especially fond of this day because they get lots of chocolate and fluffy bunnies as a present.

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Healthy habits Read the words and drag them into the correct order to make up sentences. Take note of using sentence starters.
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