1) i have spent all my money
2) has she ever met your cousins?
3) they have never go to America
4) ben has bought a new skateboard
5) have you given dad his b-day present
6) how long has he lived in Ireland?
7) we haven't finished our homework
8) they have visited Portugal twice this year
9) have you seen my dictionary?
10) we have never written a blog before
1)went 2)saw 3) have you ever seen it? 4) haven't 5) have never heard of it 6) was 7)had 8) did you do 9) visited 10) Have you been 11) have 12) didn't like 13) think 14) Have you ever visited 15) took
1)interview 2) 3)headlines 4)blog 5)journalist, 6) website 7) presenter 8)
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
5 класс. Самостоятельная работа. Закрепление материала уроков Module 8 1. Запишите данные существительные в два столбика c переводом: Apple, cheese, sugar, salt, banana, rice, cherries, butter, lemon, tomatoes, jam, olive oil, strawberries, meat, cakes, pineapple, milk, sausages, egg, bread, burger, juice. Countable nouns (исчисляемые сущ.) Uncountable nouns (неисчисляемые сущ.) Например, apple - яблоко сheese – сыр Banana-банан Sugar-сахар Сherries-вишня Salt-соль Lemon-лимон Rice-рис Tomatoes-помидоры Butter-сливочное масло Strawberries-клубника Jam-джем Meat-мясо Olive oil-оливковое масло Cakes-пирожные Milk-молоко Pineapple-ананас Bread-хлеб Sausages-сосиски Juice-сок Egg-яйцо, Burger-бургер. 2. Впишите подходящие по смыслу слова и дайте перевод словосочетания: Слова для справок: milk, olive oil, rice, water, biscuits. Например, а carton of …milk… - пакет молока 1. a bowl of rice - миска риса 2. a glass of water -стакан воды 3. a packet of biscuits - пачка печенья 4. a bottle olive oil - бутылка оливкового масла 3. Вставьте в пропуски SOME или ANY. В скобках укажите тип предложения (утвердительное, отрицательное, во Например: There are some oranges on the table. (Утвердительное предложение) 1. There are some bananas in the fridge. (Утвердительное) 2. There aren’t some biscuits in the box. (Отрицательное) 3. Are there some tomatoes in the bag? (Утвердительное) 4. There is any milk in the glass. (Отрицательно) 5. Is there olive oil in the bottle? () 6. No, there isn’t olive oil in the bottle. () 7. Give me bread please. 8. Is there jam for tea? – Yes, there is jam for tea. 4. Вставьте в пропуски A LOT OF / MUCH / MANY. В скобках укажите тип предложения (утвердительное, отрицательное или во и категорию выделенного существительного (исчисл. или неисчисл.) Например: There are __a lot of_ books on the table. (Утвердит. предложение, books – исчисляемое сущ.) 1. Have you got oranges? () 2. I have got oranges. () 3. I haven’t got oranges. () 4. Is there butter on the plate? () 5. No, there isn’t butter. () 6. There is butter in the fridge. () 5. Вставьте решить.
Every child has a favorite subject at school. Someone has a mathematics, the other is natural science. And me favorite subject is drawing.
Even when I was little, I painted a lot, especially for mom and dad. At school, I also donate a lot of my work to contests and get prize-winning places, and then presents.
I'm going to school to paint. Most of all, I like to paint pencils and markers, as well as watercolors and acrylic paints. Most of all, I paint landscapes and still lifes. I love it! And in the future, I want to become (artist / designer, etc.).
Therefore, I do everything to fulfill my dream.