B. Because c. So d. Then e. But f. But g. So h. Because I.Because
Dmitrii sergei463
I want to tell you about the cat. This fluffy animal lives at my grandmother. I really like it, despite the fact that such a brazen cat I have not seen anywhere else. His name is a simple gray or grayish color of silver wool. This lively and bouncy, like a ball, a young animal. Most recently, he was a kitten. Gray all the time required is, how many would not have fed! Without compunction he meows loudly in the kitchen, turns underfoot, climbs on the table, fumbles on packages. If my grandmother did not immediately feeds him, the insolent biting her legs! And while the cat looks pretty beefy. My grandfather's cat is afraid. When my grandfather in the kitchen, Grey on the table does not climb, and puts back the front paws and sniffing plates. But without a gray cat would be boring! When he walks in the yard, you feel that something is missing. It would seem that the house quietly. Nobody meows bad voice, do not suck, does not climb in the face with wet mustache. You do not have the time to look at his feet, not to accidentally step on Gray. But somehow would expect, when it comes the harmful cat! I like it when I'm sitting on the couch, and finally fed the cat jumps on my lap. By the way, Gray does it without an invitation. On his knees, he began to prepare a spot for relaxation. Funny cat marking soft paws, tickles, fins.
I like animals very much. It is not important for me small they are or big. But of course, small pets are more interesting and funny. I have got 3 cats at my house. They are still kittens, not adult cats. I want to say that it is not very easy to keep pets. You don't have only to play with them. I must care for my pets, feed them and go for walk with them. Sometimes pets need to be cleaned. That's why they are beautiful and lovely. My favourite kitten is Chapa. It is very fat and kind. Its head isn’t big. Its neck is short. Its paws are small with big clutches. Its eyes are green and clever. Its ears are small. My kittens like milk and chicken. Most of all they like to sleep and to play. They are very funny and playfull. We play every evening. I like my kittens very much. I think cats are very careful and clever. If you take a pet in your house, be ready to work hard and much
Я очень люблю животных. Это не важно маленькие они или большие. Но конечно маленькие животные более интересные и смешные. У меня дома есть 3 кошки. Все они еще котята, а не взрослые кошки. Хочу сказать, что это не очень легко и просто содержать домашних животных. С ними нужно не только играть. Я должна ухаживать за моими питомцами, кормить их и убирать. Животных нужно купать, чтобы они были красивыми и милыми. Мой любимый котенок Чапа. Он очень толстый и добрый. У него небольшая голова. Его шея короткая. Его лапы маленькие с большими когтями. Его глаза зеленые и умные. Его ушки маленькие. Мои котята любят молоко и цыплят. Больше всего они любит спать и играть. Они очень смешные и игривые. Мы играем каждый вечер. Я очень люблю моих котят. Я думаю, коты очень аккуратные и умные. Если вы возьмете в дом питомца, будьте готовы много и усердно работать.