
Do you have an example to follow? Test1 Match with the translation. 1 to admire a новый имидж 2 to serve the country b быть известным во всем мире 3 to look up to c восхищаться 4 to reform d реформировать 5 to win the battle e воин 6 a warrior f принимать участие в благотворительности 7 a new image of g выполнять долг 8 to do one`s duty h служить стране 9 to treat people i выигрывать битву 10 a generous person j лечить людей 11 to be involved in charities k щедрый человек 12 to be known all over the world l уважать, считаться Test2 Fill in the blanks. 1 Steven Spielberg is a famous film maker ... films are popular. 2 David Beckham is a football player ... playing is brilliant. 3 Madonna is a famous pop star ... singing is magic. 4 A. Pushkin was a great Russian poet ... poems are really wonderful. 5 Isaac Levitan was a famous artist ... pictures show us the beauty of the Russian nature. 6 Ian Fleming was a famous novelist ... books about James Bond are super famous. 7 Princess Diana was a person ... charms were admired by people all over the world. Test3 These are people who are known in Russia. Remember what spheres they were|are famous in and complete the sentences. Mstislav Rostropovich, Vladimir Vysotsky, Dmitry Likhachev, Boris Pasternak, Andrei Rublev, Alexander Griboedov, Pavel Tretyakov 1. The Russians admire because he is an outstanding musician and conducter. 2. A lot of Russians adore `s songs. 3. The Russians admire because he wrote hundreds of works on ancient Russian culture and literature. 4. is famous for founding one of the best galleries of Russian art. 5. was a person to look up to . He was a Russian diplomat, a great playwright, and a talented composer. 6. Not only Russians admire a famous Russian icon painter . 7. was a Russian poet, novelist and translator, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958. Test 4. Read the text and choose the right statement. George Bernard Shaw. George Bernard Shaw, an outstanding Irish playwright and critic, was born in Dublin on July 26, 1856 to a poor Irish Protestant family. Later family moved to London. There he started writing novels and plays. Between 1892 and 1930 he wrote over twenty plays, both tragedies and comedies. One of the most popular plays is «Pygmalion». This play has always been a great success with the public in many countries. Shaw received several honours in literature . Thus, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1934. 1. a) B. Shaw is a British playwright and critic. b) B. Shaw is an Irish playwright and critic. 2. a) Later family moved to London b)Later family left London. 3. a) He wrote over fifty plays. b) He wrote over twenty plays. 4. a) «Pygmalion» has always been a great success in London. 'b) «Pygmalion» has always been success in many countries. 5 . a) Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1934. b) Shaw received twenty honours in literature.

Английский язык



и так мало баллов,ага щас

I like hanging out with my friends and I love plaing computer games. (лучше всего использовать like, по-моему). Also, I like watching TV with my family or catching a film at the cinema. Вместо подчеркнутого используйте: going to the premiere of new films.  Like me,most of my friends like action films. Я бы написала это предложение немного по-другому: Almost all my friends and I like to watch action films. At the weekends I like to read books and a lot of sleep. At the weekends - лучше поставить в конец. A lot of sleep - так сказать нельзя, можно - to sleep a lot. Получается: I like to read books and to sleep a lot. Последнее предложение правильное. 
Я думаю, лето - самое лучшее время года, потому что тепло, вокруг очень красиво и у нас есть чудесная возможность отдохнуть. Лето - время отпусков и каникул. Мы можем поехать куда угодно, проводить время у реки или озера на свежей зеленой траве, плавать в теплой воде, или подняться в горы, или играть в различные игры, кататься на велосипеде и т.д.
Я расскажу самый запоминающийся момент за летние каникулы. В июле мы всей семьёй ездили в лес на шашлыки. Развели костер, приготовили мясо для жарки и поставили палатку. Пока родители занимались приготовлением обеда я ушел в лес, чтобы нагулять аппетит
Как красив был лес в этот день… В воздухе пахло цветами, медом и земляникой. Все вокруг было зелено, лишь стволы деревьев ярко выделялись на темно-зеленом фоне .Птицы щебечут на своем языке, стучит дятел.
И вдруг я слышу подозрительные звуки… Как будто кто то передо мной. Я оглянулся и увидел …змею! У меня перехватило дыхание. Я не запомнил как она выглядит, потому что сильно перепугался и начал медленно отходить назад, а потом рванулся как можно быстрее к нашему лагерю. Я не стал рассказывать об произошедшем маме, что бы она не волновалась. Вскоре, пообедав и повеселившись, мы собрались и поехали домой.
Эх…Как быстро летит время. Жаль, что нельзя воссоздать те моменты ,те ощущения ,которые ты пережил во время каникул. Но остаётся верить, что следующее лето будет таким-же незабываемое!

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Do you have an example to follow? Test1 Match with the translation. 1 to admire a новый имидж 2 to serve the country b быть известным во всем мире 3 to look up to c восхищаться 4 to reform d реформировать 5 to win the battle e воин 6 a warrior f принимать участие в благотворительности 7 a new image of g выполнять долг 8 to do one`s duty h служить стране 9 to treat people i выигрывать битву 10 a generous person j лечить людей 11 to be involved in charities k щедрый человек 12 to be known all over the world l уважать, считаться Test2 Fill in the blanks. 1 Steven Spielberg is a famous film maker ... films are popular. 2 David Beckham is a football player ... playing is brilliant. 3 Madonna is a famous pop star ... singing is magic. 4 A. Pushkin was a great Russian poet ... poems are really wonderful. 5 Isaac Levitan was a famous artist ... pictures show us the beauty of the Russian nature. 6 Ian Fleming was a famous novelist ... books about James Bond are super famous. 7 Princess Diana was a person ... charms were admired by people all over the world. Test3 These are people who are known in Russia. Remember what spheres they were|are famous in and complete the sentences. Mstislav Rostropovich, Vladimir Vysotsky, Dmitry Likhachev, Boris Pasternak, Andrei Rublev, Alexander Griboedov, Pavel Tretyakov 1. The Russians admire because he is an outstanding musician and conducter. 2. A lot of Russians adore `s songs. 3. The Russians admire because he wrote hundreds of works on ancient Russian culture and literature. 4. is famous for founding one of the best galleries of Russian art. 5. was a person to look up to . He was a Russian diplomat, a great playwright, and a talented composer. 6. Not only Russians admire a famous Russian icon painter . 7. was a Russian poet, novelist and translator, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958. Test 4. Read the text and choose the right statement. George Bernard Shaw. George Bernard Shaw, an outstanding Irish playwright and critic, was born in Dublin on July 26, 1856 to a poor Irish Protestant family. Later family moved to London. There he started writing novels and plays. Between 1892 and 1930 he wrote over twenty plays, both tragedies and comedies. One of the most popular plays is «Pygmalion». This play has always been a great success with the public in many countries. Shaw received several honours in literature . Thus, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1934. 1. a) B. Shaw is a British playwright and critic. b) B. Shaw is an Irish playwright and critic. 2. a) Later family moved to London b)Later family left London. 3. a) He wrote over fifty plays. b) He wrote over twenty plays. 4. a) «Pygmalion» has always been a great success in London. 'b) «Pygmalion» has always been success in many countries. 5 . a) Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1934. b) Shaw received twenty honours in literature.
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