Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Language point: there is, there are + a, an, someand any4 Look at the City Simulation game and write true or false forsentences 1-4. Then complete rules a-c with a, an or someand any1 There aren't any factories in the town centre.2 There are some shops in South Newville.3 There's a river.4 There isn't an art gallerya We use__with plural nouns in affirmative sentences.b. We use with plural nouns in negative sentences.c. We use or — with singular nouns in affirmative andnegative sentences
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know whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow whatknow what 50 соз пхахпхахпхахаххахпха