
англ Complete the questions using the correct form of the verbs in the box. (meet, do, eat, think, wear, use, get)пример: What sports did you do when you were growing up? 1 When__you__last a puzzle? 2 Where__you__your best friend? 3 When__you first__a mobile phone? 4 What __you__about while you__ready for bed last night? 5 What__you_at this time three days ago? 6 When__you last__your hobby? нужноо Если будите писать спам то бан!

Английский язык



ответ:1 ) did use

2)did meet

3)do got

4)did think got

5) did wear


Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland) lies in the northeast of the island of Ireland (Ireland) and takes 1/6 of it. It includes 6 of 9 areas of historical province of Ulster (Ulster). The East Coast region goes to North Channel (North Channel) and the Irish Sea (Irish Sea), which separates it from the island of Great Britain (Great Britain). The northern coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and to the west and south are land borders with the Republic of Ireland. The capital and the largest city in Northern Ireland - Belfast (Belfast).Speaking about the topography of Northern Ireland, this part of the kingdom is sometimes compared to a saucer: its relief at the boundaries mainly formed by mountains, and the central part is occupied by fertile plains. Here lies the biggest freshwater lake in the British Isles (British Isles) - Lough Neagh (Lough Neagh), covers an area of ​​391 square meters. km. It is especially popular among bird lovers: winter arrives here 100 000 birds from Canada, Iceland, Greenland and the Arctic.The highest point of the region is the 850-meter high mountain Drain-Donard (Slieve Donard) in the mountain range Morne (Mourne Mountains), which is south-east. Guests who decide to spend their holidays in the UK study of its natural beauty, is worth visiting, and the north-east - on the plateau of Antrim (Antrim Plateau). Its main attraction - the natural basalt columns up to 12 meters, known as the Giant's 

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Наталья Юрьевич1228

ответ: nowadays, people are accustomed to a noisy and bustling life. they visit various museums, theaters, go to work and show activity in every way. that’s why people prefer to live in the city than in a quiet little village. but is it true that life in the village is worse than in the town?

in my opinion, it is better to live in the village. in the village, a more relaxed lifestyle. people walk, go about their business, live in private houses. the village has a better environment: the air is cleaner than in other places, and produce natural products.

many people think that it is easier to adapt and integrate into life in the city. i do not agree with this opinion, because there are many distractions that make it difficult to concentrate, for example, because of constant traffic jams, people are late for work, study, thereby breaking the usual rhythm life or for example because of a large number of people, diseases, infections can spread.

p.s. с переводчиком

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англ Complete the questions using the correct form of the verbs in the box. (meet, do, eat, think, wear, use, get)пример: What sports did you do when you were growing up? 1 When__you__last a puzzle? 2 Where__you__your best friend? 3 When__you first__a mobile phone? 4 What __you__about while you__ready for bed last night? 5 What__you_at this time three days ago? 6 When__you last__your hobby? нужноо Если будите писать спам то бан!
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