Wounded people often die not of traumas but because first aid was late. For example: at injury of an artery didn't manage to stop quickly bleeding or the victim choked lying on a back. A part of death on conscience of those who having appeared nearby, didn't know what to do. The main thing in such situation - to learn it is correctly to operate in the first seconds of detection of the victim to keep to it life before ambulance arrival. And still main in such situations - not to give in to a panic
My name is Vasya Romanov. I am 14 year old. I've got three hobbies. They are playing with yo-yo, playing computer games and karate. I began playing computer games when I was 8years old, when my parents bought it. I like to play computer games but my mother says that it can spoil my eyes. But I think the computer is very useful, for example we can find a lot of information in the Internet.
First I liked to play with yo-yo, but later it became boring to me to do different tricks and I decided to give it up.
I had been going in for karate for two years, but then Ibroke my arm and I had to leave this kind of sport.
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Перевести, : 1. органические молекулы составляют основную массу сухого вещества клетки. 2. нуклеиновые кислоты обеспечивают хранение и передачу наследственной информации во всех клетках. 3. в основе процессов метаболизма лежат взаимодействия органических молекул друг с другом. 4. клетка является наименьшей структурно-функциональной единицей организации живых организмов. 5. возникновение тканей и органов у многоклеточных животных и растений ознаменовало специализацию частей организма по выполняемым функциям. 6. интеграция органов в системы к ещё большему усилению функций организма.
1. Organic molecules make up the bulk of the cell's dry matter.
2. Nucleic acids provide storage and transmission of hereditary information in all cells.
3. The basis of metabolic processes are the interaction of organic molecules with each other.
4. The cell is the smallest structural and functional unit of the organization of living organisms.
5. The emergence of tissues and organs in multicellular animals and plants marked the specialization of parts of the body according to their functions.
6. The integration of organs into systems has led to even greater enhancement of body functions.