
SAY TELL SPEAK TALK 1. up, I can’t hear you. a. talk b. tell c. speak d. say 2. Please, don’t to me like that. a. speaking b. talk c. say d. tell 3. Try out loud to improve your speech. (*2 are correct! a. saying b. speaking c. telling d. talking 4. Please, something to her about her appearance. a. talk b. say c. tell d. speak 5. I want to you something tomorrow. a. talk b. say c. tell d. speak 6. He needs to to you about the trip. a. speak b. talk c. tell d. say 7. Please, to her about her grammar problems. a. say b. talk c. spoke d. tell 8. me something I don’t already know.. a. say b. tell c. speak d. talk 9. I don’t care what you I am not going. a. say b. talk c. speak d. tell 10. I think he ‘apple’, not ‘addle’. a. talked b. spoke c. said d. told 11. Did you want to something to him about the problem? a. speak b. tell c. talk d. say 12. Did you to him about your last cheating? a. tell b. say c. talk d. speak 13. I did not hear what she . a. told b. spoke c. said d. talked 14. What did he ? a. talk b. speak c. tell d. say 15. I him about it yesterday. a. said b. talked c. told d. spoke 16. me about your English lesson. a. Say b. Tell c. Speak d. Talk 17. Can you really me about my future? a. say b. tell c. speak d. talk 18. What did you him yesterday? a. tell b. say c. speak d. talk 19. He loudly to us. a. spoke b. talked c. said d. told 20. me the directions to your house. a. Tell b. Say c. Speak d. Talk

Английский язык


Ферма Финансы и хозяйство подъем растений (Земледелие и животноводство), как правило, для получения прибыли. Большелюди в мире живут с сельским хозяйством, чем любой другой профессии, и многие другие найти работу подготовке сельскохозяйственной продукции для рынкаФермы могут быть большим или маленьким, на богатой или бедной стране, и может производить любой изсотни продуктов. Большинство пищевых продуктов для людей или животных, но сельское хозяйство также производит шерсть, лен для белья производства, шелка, и целый ряд других непродовольственных товаров. Жизнь на ферме зависит от вида сельскохозяйственной и где он находится. Жизнь на большой овец ранчо в Австралии не что иное, как, что из риса фермеров Индонезии или молочных фермеров в США или Британских островах.Практически каждая развитая страна поддерживает доходы своих фермеров. Такиеподдержка ложится тяжелым бременем на налогоплательщиков. Несмотря на эту поддержку, средняяФермер имеет низкий доход. Любое вмешательство с национальной финансовой поддержки сельского хозяйства вызывает политическую бурю, особенно из бедных фермеров, которые нуждаются в этой поддержке, чтобы выжитьФермеры должны обеспечить их собственный капитал или поднять его на кредит для большинства из ихулучшения. Многие фермеры пашут обратно все они могут позволить себе после поддержки их семейКредиты необходимы для трех основных сроков погашения. Есть долго кредиты на приобретение или востребовать землю. Большинство кредитов для улучшения для строительства и стационарного оборудования являются до десяти лет. Сезонные кредиты для покрытия семян или удобрений до урожая не будет продан.Это становится все труднее финансировать развитие сельского хозяйства из его собственные прибыли.
How is ship's speed measured?
Ship's speed is measured in knots.

When is distressed signal given?
Distress signal is given in case of fire on the ship.

What is the wheel-house equipped with?
The wheel-house is equipped with all the modern navigational devices and instruments. 

Where can the speed be reduced or increased from?
The speed of the ship can be reduced or increased either from the vain remote control station or from the bridge wings.

What is the ship supplied with?
The ship is supplied with such modern conveniences as shower-rooms, a laundry and a sauna.

How is the cargo disposed?
The cargo is disposed ih holds.

What is bulk carried in? 
Bulk is carried in holds.

Who is informed of all the dangers?
The crew is informed of all the dangers.

Why are dangers marked?
Dangers are marked to inform the crew of emergencies.
Where are ships built?
 Ships are built at the Turku shipyard in Finland. 

What is ship damage caused by?
Ship damage is caused by the hazards above.
Where are ships repaired?
Ships are repaired at shipyards.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

SAY TELL SPEAK TALK 1. up, I can’t hear you. a. talk b. tell c. speak d. say 2. Please, don’t to me like that. a. speaking b. talk c. say d. tell 3. Try out loud to improve your speech. (*2 are correct! a. saying b. speaking c. telling d. talking 4. Please, something to her about her appearance. a. talk b. say c. tell d. speak 5. I want to you something tomorrow. a. talk b. say c. tell d. speak 6. He needs to to you about the trip. a. speak b. talk c. tell d. say 7. Please, to her about her grammar problems. a. say b. talk c. spoke d. tell 8. me something I don’t already know.. a. say b. tell c. speak d. talk 9. I don’t care what you I am not going. a. say b. talk c. speak d. tell 10. I think he ‘apple’, not ‘addle’. a. talked b. spoke c. said d. told 11. Did you want to something to him about the problem? a. speak b. tell c. talk d. say 12. Did you to him about your last cheating? a. tell b. say c. talk d. speak 13. I did not hear what she . a. told b. spoke c. said d. talked 14. What did he ? a. talk b. speak c. tell d. say 15. I him about it yesterday. a. said b. talked c. told d. spoke 16. me about your English lesson. a. Say b. Tell c. Speak d. Talk 17. Can you really me about my future? a. say b. tell c. speak d. talk 18. What did you him yesterday? a. tell b. say c. speak d. talk 19. He loudly to us. a. spoke b. talked c. said d. told 20. me the directions to your house. a. Tell b. Say c. Speak d. Talk
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