
Перевести этот бред -shone, there's nothing you can say that will make me change my mind. gave birth to madsen do this. -i know, alice, but madsen's human. this one isn't. please, know how this will end. don't leave me.

Английский язык


Извини,я не смогу сказать тебе то,что я делал .Возми хорошее у Мэдсен.

Я знаю.Алиса.,но Мэдсен ха человек,она одна.Не покидай меня
Малыхин Валерьевна621
Cartoon is very beautiful, stunning pictures of Atlantis, the first shots are fascinating - on the huge fish rushing Atlanta pursued an ocean wave ...very well-matched the characters! a lot of humor, a lot of philosophy - and yet very lively cartoon! it is not for children, sometimes a tragedy of the heroes need to think - when the crew dies, the doctor sends a candle in the sea, and all silent. Helga was a pity that yet to avenge his death last shot. It hurts when Milo shouted to friends, Are you also are corrupt, they are willing to kill and condemn to death? and strong point, naturally, when the team went on its side under the motto "though we love money, but not enough to give the killed an entire civilization."Of course, the Atlanteans have presented a very vibrant, colorful - white hair, dark skin ... no less colorful characters from "Team Earth" - a huge good-natured doctor, bookworm with a big heart Milo, crumpet-beautiful Audrey, who like a real mechanic repairs engines, Georgian demolition Winnie, manages to go with a cart of dynamite and light up))), telegraph, which chatters with his girlfriend when the ship sinks) and a strange French - brilliant digger - who manages to annoy all the girls and achieve their full hostility to its stunning person )))drawing technique is very beautiful - and this movie looks amazing and adults too. I shook the colors used by the artists and drawing equipment - like something like "Hercules" and the like - "The Lion King." In any case, it's a cartoon, which then with a sense of dignity you show friends and children, and to see who pulls)
Zina Portnov, 17 years oldA member of the underground komsomsomolska-youth organization "Young Avengers" scout guerrilla army Voroshilov in the territory of the Byelorussian SSR.Born in 1926 in Leningrad, he graduated from the 7 classes there and went on a summer holiday vacation with relatives in the village of Zuya Vitebsk region of Belarus. There she was, and found the war.In 1942, she joined the Obol underground Komsomol youth organization "Young Avengers" and was actively involved in distributing leaflets among the population and sabotage against the invaders.Since August 1943, Zina - scout guerrilla army Voroshilov. In December 1943 she was given the task to identify the reasons for the failure of the organization "Young Avengers" and establish contact with the underground. But when returning to Zina squad arrested.During interrogation, the girl grabbed the gun from the table Nazi investigator, shot him and two other Nazis, tried to escape, but was captured.From the book "Zina Portnov" Soviet writer Vasily Smirnov: "interrogated its most sophisticated in the brutal torture the torturers ... She promised to save lives, if only the young partisan in all recognized call the names of all known to her underground and partisans Again Gestapo met with surprises.. their unwavering firmness this stubborn girl who in their protocols was called "Soviet Bandidas." Zina, exhausted by torture, refused to answer questions, hoping that because it will kill you. ... One day in the prison yard the prisoners seen as very gray girl, when her led to another interrogation, torture, threw herself under the wheels of a passing truck. But the car was stopped, the girl pulled out from under the wheels and was taken in for questioning again ... ".January 10, 1944 in the village of Goriany now Shumilino district, Vitebsk region of Belarus 17-year-old Zina shot.The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Zinaida Portnova was awarded in 1958.

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Перевести этот бред -shone, there's nothing you can say that will make me change my mind. gave birth to madsen do this. -i know, alice, but madsen's human. this one isn't. please, know how this will end. don't leave me.
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