camping is a very popular form of living outdoors. it gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature or in the wilderness. camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your own back yard and end up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks.
some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. from there they visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active sports like mountain biking or just simply relax. others prefer to tour areas and spend every night in a different place. they travel by car or motor homes.
each year millions of people go camping. they can explore new surroundings and be close to nature at the same time
1) he said he was going to the station.
2) tina said that i should exercise regularly.
3) they said that they had booked the room before they had left.
4) tom said that the meal was delicious.
5) she said to her friend that she had written him a letter.
6) they told us that they had decided to spend their holidays in jordan.
7) jill said that she would go to the bank the next day.
8) she said to him that they had been invited to a wedding.
9) she told me that i had to leave early the nex day.
10) jessie said to me that they had gone out for the evening.
11) they said they might visit joe that night.
12) she said that she could meet me on tuesday.
13) keith said that there was a letter for me on the table.
14) sam told us that they wouldn't be visiting tom that evening.
15) eric said that they had been talking on the phone for an hour before i interrupted them.
16) gloria said that she had not spoken to mary since the previous week.
17) she said that they had delivered the letters that morning.
18) he said he'd like to buy that jumper.
19) he said they weren't going on holiday that year.
20) jane said she hadn't finished her homework by that time.
21) caroline said she was going to bed early that night.
22) i said that my mother was coming to visit us.
23) the children said that they didn't want to watch a film that night.
24) his mother said that he was playing in the garden at that moment.
25) she said that i had to do my homework then.
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класс (Прочитай предложения и лягушонку написать общие во Не используй во знаки, они уже даны. Изучи пример.) лягушонок.png Example 0. Mark planted a lot of trees last year. Answer 0. Did Mark plant a lot of trees last year? 1. Mary did her homework yesterday. — ? 2. She did her project in the afternoon. — ? 3. The weather was really wonderful. — ?
1) Did Mary do her homework yesterday?
2) Did she do her project in the afternoon?
3)Was the weather really wonderful?