
Вставь в предложения нужную форму глагола to be my frind riding a bike i watching a very good film we eating lunch they having breakfast you playing games on computer susan dancing to beautiful music

Английский язык


My friend is...
I am watching...
We are ...
They are ...
You are...
Susan is...
это просто
Классам потребовалось две недели на то, чтобы разместиться (устроиться, разложить вещи, вернуться в колею/норму, зависит от более раннего контекста, нужное подчеркнуть), и затем мы приступили к скучным будням. Как только на голову, как снег, начали сыпаться домашние задания, а на горизонте мелькать тесты, я понял, что мои учебные навыки весьма скудные, и что это само по себе будет задачей, заставить себя учиться. Я опробовал несколько тактик, пытаясь найти подходящую себе. Начал я в спальной комнате с закрытой дверью, но всё время казалось, что звонит телефон. Мне удалось закончить свою работу, и всё же я был недоволен этой мучительной ситуацией. Позже я попытался выйти наружу и начать готовиться где-нибудь во дворе. Закончилось это тем, что я разговорился с соседкой, гладя её собаку. Ясно: нужно было что-то менять. С увеличением количества нагрузок возросло и моё уныние. Совершенно случайно, однако, я нашёл решение своей проблемы...

1. I can not hear you. Speak louder, please.

2. Red is my favourite colour.

3.  How much do you train a day?

4. Squirrels are not big animals.

5. He tried to phone, but he might not get through.

6. Have you made up your mind yet?

7. Why did you make such a terrible noise?

8. They have been married for 10 years already.

9. May anyone tell me the truth?

10. .She was so silent that nobody heard her come into the room.

11. Would you like an ice-cream?

12. I’m thinking of what you have just said.

13. I came to tell you the latest news.

14. Can you translate this article from Russian into German?

15. Wait for myself a little, will you?

16. She lives all by her.

17. There can not be no doubt that it’s a Shakespeare’s play.

18. Who painted “Mona Liza”?

19. This is his the most famous work.

20. Suddenly I felt something warm on my knees. This was a cat.

21. I believe you but there are people who don't.

22. Our house was next to the baker’s.

23. What do you want me to do?

24. That is a cooking oil, I always buy it one.

25. You need to have followed the advice I gave you!

26. Natural sugar is of higher quality than sugar produced artificially.

27. I apologize for being so late.

28. She is a brave girl. She was not scared at all.

29. Women are to be loved, not to be understood.

30. He has come often last year.

31. He had sold his café and left for Canada.

32. She was talking to someone when I saw her.

33. Mark finished his work when I phoned him.

34. What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday?

35. You can not write a letter without a pen.

36. I can apologize. I didn’t mean it.

37. There was a lot of noise in the street last night, and I couldn't sleep.

38. It was a very hard work, but we should do it.

39. It is still raining, isn't it?

40.  I promise that we will meet next year.

41. John has just bought a new car, has not he?

42. Lucy is fond of skating .

43. I will to you when I will there.

44. She is never bored. She hates boredom.

45. It was a fast train. The train went fastly.

46. He went out and came away in an hour.

47.  He went away and never came back.

48. That was very strange indeed. Nobody was surprised.

49. His father works on a factory. The factory is large.

50. He was too proud of him.


Leth - ©

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Вставь в предложения нужную форму глагола to be my frind riding a bike i watching a very good film we eating lunch they having breakfast you playing games on computer susan dancing to beautiful music
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