
Слова украинскими буквами what's all started in the middle of the 20th century. my grandmother got acquainted with my grandfather, the reason for dating became a girlfriend of her grandmother who persuaded her grandmother to get acquainted with a whore boy and so my father appeared. on my mother's line, i do not know how grandparents met, but i know that they lived in vinnitsa. my father grew up like a mother, my grandmother urged to shave her grandmother's mustache and that's where my grandparents moved to clay and soon my parents met dances too. and after 2 years got married. a year later my sister was born and after 7 years i was born.

Английский язык


Все почалося в середині 20 століття. Бабуся познайомилась зі своїм дідом, причиною для знайомства стала подруга
бабусі, яка переконала бабусю знайомитися з хлопцем, і так з'явився мій батько. Я не знаю, як зустрілися бабусі та дідусі мами, але я знаю, що вони жили у Вінниці. Мій батько виріс, як мама, моя бабуся закликала переїзати до іншої бабусі і саме тоді мої бабусі й дідусі переїхали в Клей, і незабаром батьки познайомилися із танцями. І через 2 роки мама вийшла заміж. Через рік народилася моя сестра, і через 7 років народився я.

Удачи тебе от Боди

Далеко не секрет, что в русский язык по необходимости вошло огромное количество иностранных слов, в частности английских. Также как и в нашу жизнь вошло множество иностранных понятий и идей. Подумайте сами, изобретать свои слова и выражения для описания чужих понятий — дело довольно пыльное, и вообще провальное. Поэтому с новым понятием, которое один берет у другого, он берет и самое слово, выражающее это понятие. А неудачно придуманное русское слово для выражения какого–нибудь понятия не только не лучше, но основательно хуже иностранного слова. Да, английский заправляет всегда и везде, но стоит ли останавливаться на нем? -It is no secret that the Russian language has necessarily included a huge number of foreign words, in particular English. Just as many foreign concepts and ideas have entered our lives. Think for yourself, inventing your own words and expressions to describe other people's concepts is quite dusty, and generally a failure. Therefore, with a new concept that one takes from another, he takes the very word that expresses this concept. And an unsuccessfully invented Russian word for expressing some concept is not only not better, but thoroughly worse than a foreign word. Yes, English runs always and everywhere, but is it worth stopping at it?


`d like to tell you about my summer trip to the sea. Last year my family and I went to Anapa. I was very interested in this resort, that`s why I often took pictures of beautiful places there. We were very lucky with the weather. The sea was warm. That is why my sister and I swam for a long time. Our parents couldn`t make us to come back to the beach. It was funny!

In the evening we went to the park. There were a lot of side-shows in it. I tried all of them and I liked them very much.

We had a very interesting menu for our breakfasts, dinners and suppers. There is a lot of fruit in it.

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Слова украинскими буквами what's all started in the middle of the 20th century. my grandmother got acquainted with my grandfather, the reason for dating became a girlfriend of her grandmother who persuaded her grandmother to get acquainted with a whore boy and so my father appeared. on my mother's line, i do not know how grandparents met, but i know that they lived in vinnitsa. my father grew up like a mother, my grandmother urged to shave her grandmother's mustache and that's where my grandparents moved to clay and soon my parents met dances too. and after 2 years got married. a year later my sister was born and after 7 years i was born.
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