Computer Dreamer Who Invented the Mouse
Douglas C. Engelbart was 25, just engaged to (be MARRied) and
thinking about his future when he had a dream in 1950 that
(would change/has CHANGEd) the world.
He had a good job working at a government aerospace
laboratory in California, but he wanted to do something
(more) with his life, something of value that might last,
even outlive him. Then it came to him. In a single stroke
he (HAd) what might be safely called a complete
vision of the information age.
The angel in his dream spoke to him of technology’s
potential (EXPANDing) human intelligence, and from it he
made out a career that indeed had lasting impact. It led to a
host of inventions that became the basis for the Internet
and the modern personal computer.
In (LATEr) years, one of those inventions was given a
warmhearted name, reminding of a small, furry creature
given to scurrying across flat surfaces: the computer
Computing was in its infancy when Dr. Engelbart entered
the field. Computers were ungainly room-size calculating
machines that could (be USEd) by only one person at a
time. Someone would feed them information in stacks of
punched cards and then wait hours for a printout of
answers. Interactive computing was a thing of the future,
or in science fiction. But it was growing in (DR. ENGELBART's)
restless mind.
In his dream, he saw himself (SITting) in front of a large
computer screen full of different symbols. The screen, he
thought, would serve as a display for a workstation that
would organize all the information and communications
for a given project.
Skirts with petticoats, tight trousers, jeans, oversize jumpers were popular among girls in 1950s.
(Юбки с подъюбниками, узкие брюки, джинсы, джемпера большого размера были популярны среди девочек в 1950-х годах).
- Miniskirts, tights, baby-doll dresses, pinafores were popular among girls in 1960s
(Мини-юбки, колготки, платья в стиле бэби-долл, сарафаны были популярны среди девочек в 1960-х годах)
- Black polo-neck sweaters were popular among boys in 1960s.
(Черные водолазки были популярны среди мальчиков в 1960-х годах).
- They customized it with embroidery.
(Они украшали ее вышивкой)
- From the late 1960s to 1970s.
(С конца 1960-х по 1970-е годы).
- Training shoes were popular.
(Спортивная обувь была популярна).
- They wore flares, bags, narrow trousers, trouser suits.
(Они носили расклешенные брюки, брюки широкие по всей длине, узкие брюки, брючные костюмы).
- In late 1970s.
(В конце 1970-х).
- In 2000s.
(В 2000-х годах).
- No, they are not in fashion
(Нет, они не в моде)
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Как читаются слова по напишите на hector ) no language is easy to learn because they all have their own history and culture and no language can be simplified just for the sake of easiness by trying to make it easier we might deform it and then together with its complexity much of its beauty would disappear l think students should deal with the real language and all its complexity and be exposed to real life language used by native speakers this is the only way to teach learners how to manage in a real conversation
Ноу лэнгвич ис изи ту лён бекоз зей ол хэв зеа оун хистори энд калче энд ноу лэнгвич Кэн би симплифайд джаст фо зе сэйк оф изинэс бай трайнинг ту мэйк ит изэ ви майт деформ ит энд зен тугезэр виз итс комплексити мач оф итс Бьюти волд дисапиа ай синк стьюдентс шуд дайл виз зе Реал лэнгвич энд ол итс комплексити Энд би експозд ту Реал лайф лэнгвич юзд бай нэтив спикерс зис ис зе онли вэй ту тич ленерс хоу ту мэнедж ин э Реал конверзейшен