
Напишите сочинение на тему хочу ли я стать бой скаутом

Английский язык


I want be boyscout,because i can't learn something else
"I decided to dedicate my review to my favorite film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. This movie is based on the novel of J.K. Rolling. This is the first part of the book series about the adventures of young wizard Harry Potter. The film was shot by a famous American director Chris Columbus, known for such masterpieces " as the comedy "Home Alone. " "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - is only the first part of a great story. But here for first time we see the main characters, learn their nature and characteristics. The film drags at once thanks to the excellent plot and beautiful scenery. Director with the help of computer graphics could show amazing creatures - goblins, dragons, trolls. The film is impregnated with an unforgettable atmosphere that prevailed in the book. The story is about the boy Harry. He lives with his uncle and aunt, who don't love him. They harassed him every way, but he doesn't have another variants. His parents died in a car accident and he is an orphan. But on his 11th birthday, he learns that he is the magician and is invited to study at Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Hagrid, (who delivered the letter) explains to the young wizard the cause of the scar on his forehead and the real circumstances of the death of his parents. They were killed by the evil wizard VoldeMort. Harry learns that he was also cursed by the evil wizard, but miraculously survived. After buying (with the help of Hagrid) everything necessary, Potter goes to magic school. There he finds his true friends, learn magic and goes through various adventures. Despite of the fact that the school seems to be all quiet, after arrival of Harry odd things concerned with VoldeMort start to happen. Over time, Harry learns about his devious plan to steal the Philosopher's Stone, which gives immortality. The young wizard is eager to stop him. With the help of his friends, he manages to break the plans of VoldeMort. The film, on the background of a magical atmosphere, talks about simple things and values, which in fact is often neglected. He teaches kindness, honesty, loyalty and true friendship. Great music and great acting, of course, complete the dynamic plot. Director created a fairy tale can please all the ages.

1. 1) countable nouns

2) uncoutable nouns

2. Countable nouns: apple - яблоко, banana - банан, cherries - вишни, lemon - лимон, tomatoes - помидоры, strawberries - клубника, cakes - торты, pineapple - ананас, sausages - сосиски, egg - яйцо, burger - бургер, onions - лук.

Uncountable nouns: cheese - сыр, sugar - сахар, salt - соль, rice - рис, butter - масло, ice cream - мороженое, jam - варенье, olive oil - оливковое масло, meat - мясо, milk - молоко, bread - хлеб, juice - сок.

3. 1) rice, 2) water, 3) biscuits, 4) olive oil.

4. 1) утвердительных, 2) вопросительных и отрицательных.

5. 1) some (утвердительное),

2) any (отрицательное),

3) any (вопросительное),

4) some (утвердительное),

5) any (вопросительное),

6) any (отрицательное).

6. any, some, some, any, any, some, any, any, some, any, some.

7. much - с неисчисляемыми, в вопросительных и отрицательных;

many - с исчисляемыми, в вопросительных и отрицательных;

8. 1) many (исчисл., вопросительное),

2) a lot of (исчисл., утвердительное),

3) many (исчисл., отрицательное),

4) much (неисчисл., вопросительное),

5) much (неисчисл., отрицательное),

6) a lot of (неисчисл., утвердительное).

9. many, much, much, many, many, much, many.


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Irina Bakaev