I put on me clothes after I got up. – Я оделся после того, как встал.
By the time the guests came the table had been already served. – Стол был уже накрыт к тому времени как пришли гости.
James had washed his hands before he went to the canteen. – Джеймс помыл руки прежде, чем пошел в столовую.
The students said that he hadn’t done his homework. – Студент сказал, что он не выполнил свое домашнее задание.
When had the telephone rang? – Когда телефон зазвонил?
Had they bought the tickets when the play began? – Они купили билеты перед началом спектакля?
Had they already seen this film when you ask them about it? – Они уже смотрели этот фильм, когда ты спросил их о нём?
Had Mommy cooked the dinner when her children came home? – Мама приготовила обед к приходу детей из школы.
These books are more interesting than those (interesting).
These jeans are narrower than those (narrow).
This dress is more modern than that jacket (modern).
His bike is than her (new).
David is a beter pupil than John (good).
This photo is brighter than that photo (bright).
This animal is more dangerous than that one (dangerous).
This wolf is stronger than that one.
2) Boris is (taller than Sasha.
My grandmother is (older than his grandmother.
Bill is the strongest in his team.
Helen is the best in our class.
The worse holiday in my life was last summer.
These sweets are tastier than those ones.
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