a heat-wave overcame east part of беларуссии. a problem is in that here we can not wait till fallouts in any way: it is territory high-pressure, and all fallouts fall out to the west. already many centuries there were not similar environmental conditions. such overfalls in a temperature meteorologists promise soon to end.and habitants of беларуссии to go back to normal week-days.
[ˈɛvri wiːk hæz 7 deɪz, ] [siː haʊ ˈmɛni juː kæn seɪ. ] [ˈsʌndeɪ, ˈmʌndeɪ, ˈtjuːzdeɪ,] [ˈwɛnzdeɪ,ˈθɜːzdeɪ,ˈfraɪdeɪ, ] [ˈsætədeɪ. wɒts təˈdeɪ ? ] every week has 7 days, see how many you can say. sunday, monday, tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday, saturday. what's today? в каждой неделе 7 дней, посмотрим, сколько ты назовешь: воскресенье, понедельник, вторник, среда, четверг, пятница, суббота. а сегодня какой день?
№1 1) she, as a rule, (wears) smart hats. but today she (is wearing) a funny-looking one. 2) do you (eat) fruit every day? what’s the name of the fruit you (are eating) with such pleasure? 3) don't you usually (drink) coffee at this time? №2 1) he says (will meet) us at the bus stop, but i’m sure he (will forget) about it. 2) maria (is working) today, so i (will get) the papers for her. №3 1) the president is going to make a statement. 2) he got up and did his bed. №4 1) that is good news! my clothes are found. 2) my pair of jeans is torn and so are my tights. 3) the furniture in the sitting room is very expensive. №5 1) impossible c. possible 2) destroy d. create 3) wonderful a. terrible 4) pollution b. cleaning №6 b. walking;
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Write 8-10 sentences about a heatwave in belarus. , заранее
a heat-wave overcame east part of беларуссии. a problem is in that here we can not wait till fallouts in any way: it is territory high-pressure, and all fallouts fall out to the west. already many centuries there were not similar environmental conditions. such overfalls in a temperature meteorologists promise soon to end.and habitants of беларуссии to go back to normal week-days.