The chances of the country’s … have never looked so remote. 2.
She felt so, as if there had been some strange … . 3. … had better
be slow, in order that it may be sure. 4. … like these will make the
devices more usable. 5. As the revolution proceeds an inevitable
class … is to happen. 6. I like people, but when people become
"customers" certain nasty … often take place. 7. The whole history
of knowledge can be represented by one single line of progress and
… . 8. Pure energy, in all its …, is absolutely unknown to man. 9.
The idea was largely discredited by Darwin's theory of …, first
published in 1859. 10. In the opening years of the French … the
two men in Europe who seemed omnipotent were Pitt and
1) are made
2) are seen
3) is grown
4) is reported
5) are fed
6) is produced
7) are used
8) is visited
9) is situated
10) are kept
was created
was made
was built
was taken
was prepared
were made
was recognized
was restored
1. This experiment (will be finished) in a week.
2. The play instructions (will be received) in an hour.
3. month.
4. The design of the building (will be completed) on Sunday.
5. The injured man (will be operated) on in an hour.
6. All the meetings (will be held) next week.
1) was cleaned;
2) are built
3) will be published;
4) are whitewashed;
5) is grown;
6) was not discovered,was discovered;
7) will be delivered;
8) are produced;
9) was used;
10) will be introduced
Airplane tickets will be brought in an hour.
2. This car was painted 3 hours ago.
3. Computers are used by all students of our school.
4. Where do they sell fresh milk?
5. When was the steam engine invented?
6. This ad will not be printed.
7. Paper is made of wood.
8. This church was built in the last century.
9. Who founded this museum?
1. with
Я замучалась пока всё это делала) Надеюсь на лучший ответ, " " и 5 звезд, ауф!Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Вроде уже время в изучаю, а ing окончание так до конца. и не поняла. объясните нормально! я знаю то что оно добавляется, если действие происходит сейчас, в данный момент. а вото например другой пример: she doesn't like washing the dishes. ещё один: he likes playing the guitar and singing. в каких случаях ставится ing? мне никто ещё точно не говорил((
Герундий – это такая неличная форма глагола в англ. языке с суффиксом "ing". Эта форма глагола обозначает некий процесс.
Вот "He likes playing the guitar" это герундий. "Playing" в данном предложении показывает и означает процесс, а не действие, которое происходит прямо сейчас, как в настоящем продолжительном (present continues).