
Заполнить пропуски необходимыми фразами. dear…, i was so happy to get your letter! i can’t wait to meet you in july! i’m sorry i haven’t answered earlier but i was really busy with my school. you asked me to tell you about… well, … by the way, …? …? …? unfortunately, i’d better go now as i’ve got loads of homework to do (as always take care and keep in touch! all the best, alex

Английский язык


Dear rachel, i was so happy to get your letter! i can’t wait to meet you in july! i’m sorry i haven’t answered earlier but i was really busy with my school. you asked me to talk about a new coffee house that opened near my house.well, since it was opened quite recently, i was there only once and tried a great espresso. there are very polite staff and i hope that when you arrive we will go there. by the way, how is your sister? did she enter a medical college? did she find new friends there? unfortunately, i’d better go now as i’ve got loads of homework to do (as always). take care and keep in touch! all the best, alex удачи.
Поймите, что является успехом именно для вас. А для этого нужно убрать внимание с того, что вас окружает, на ваше чувство, которое у вас внутри. Недаром говорят, что внешность обманчива. Успех это прежде всего ваши ощущения, ваши чувства. Когда вы хотите приобрести какую-то вещь, вы думаете, что когда она у вас появится, вы станете более успешным, но в итоге, когда эта вещь становится вашей, успешным вы себя не чувствуете. Секрет успеха – в постоянстве цели.

Understand that is a success for you. And for this you need to remove the attention from what surrounds you, your feeling inside you. It is said that appearances are deceptive. Success is first of all your feelings, your feelings. When you want to purchase something, you think that when you will be, you will become more successful, but in the end, when that thing becomes your successful you do not чувствуете.Секрет of success is constancy of purpose.
Soon London authorities have banned public buses and in 1922 transport workers constructed a new bus model with a closed roof.

The oldest of the London bus is by far the Routemaster, which means "road master". bus design was developed for about 9 years and has appeared on the streets of London in 1956.

The open rear platform allows passengers to get on and off without stopping, even at traffic lights and intersections. Double-deck Routemaster red buses are recognized worldwide and is a complete symbol of London.

In 1968, the Routemaster bus has stopped the release, and their number is rapidly decreased due to the long service life. Over the past few years in London took place a complete replacement of the bus fleet, and only on two central city routes was decided to leave the famous red Routemaster bus.

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Заполнить пропуски необходимыми фразами. dear…, i was so happy to get your letter! i can’t wait to meet you in july! i’m sorry i haven’t answered earlier but i was really busy with my school. you asked me to tell you about… well, … by the way, …? …? …? unfortunately, i’d better go now as i’ve got loads of homework to do (as always take care and keep in touch! all the best, alex
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