
Нужно описать всю семью мультика "барбоскины" ! пример: (про симпсонов) лиза симпсон - 8 лет. она невысокого роста со светлыми волосами. она умная. она умеет петь и играть на саксафоне, и она может разговаривать по-шведский и по-французкий.

Английский язык



                               The Barboskins / The Barkers*

It's a family of dogs with five kids.

Their father is tall and slim. He is always busy, he works a lot. He can be very strict.

Their mother is slender. She has got brown hair and blue eyes. She is very kind. She cooks very well, loves to play the violin and dreams of becoming an actress.

Rosa is the oldest of all children. She is a pretty tall blonde with blue eyes. She loves beautiful dresses, jewelry and cosmetics. She enjoys watching romantic films and reading fashion magazines.

Druzhok loves sports, video games and practical jokes, but he does not like to study. His favourite school subject is physical education. He likes to play football and skateboard with his friend Timokha.

Gena is the cleverest of them all. He wears glasses and he is short and plump. Genka is fond of science, he likes experiments and helps his bothers and sisters in their studies. He dreams of being awarded the Nobel Prize.

Lisa has gor red hair and green eyes. She loves sweets. She often sneaks on (ябедничает на) her brothers and sisters and sometimes she is mean (вредная). She dreams of becoming a singer, although she cannot pronounce the Russian sound “p” properly.

Malysh (Kid) is the youngest of the children. He has got blue eyes, a small nose and very big ears. He likes to ask a lot of questions. All the family treat him with kindness and care. Malysh likes drawing. His favourite toy is a plush hare that used to be Lisa's.

*Так звучит их фамилия в англоязычной версии


I like all animals but my favourite one is a whale. I like to read something about them and to watch films on TV.

Whales are not fish; they are the biggest sea animals on our planet.

They can be found in all the oceans.

The word ‘whale’ comes from the Greek language and is translated as a sea monster.

They live about 30 to 50 years and some of them even more than that.

There are different kinds of whales: some of them are very big. Blue whales, for example, are about 30 metres long and can weigh up to 150 tons. Other kinds are about 5 metres long and weigh about 4 tons.

The can dive as deep as 1 kilometer, not more.

They can swim under water from 10 up to 40 minutes, and then they must come to the surface of the water to breathe.

Whales can develop speed up to 20 and even 40 km/h. (kilometers per hour)

Some kinds of whales have teeth and one tooth weighs 1 kilogramme.

Whales feed on marine plankton, mollusks, fish, and krill.  Some kinds eat sea animals: seals, penguins, etc.

People kill whales for their fat and whalebone.



Королева Елизавета – это женщина, известная по обе стороны Атлантики. Будучи главой всего Британского содружества наций, она была и остается живым символом Великобритании, а также былого могущества Империи, над которой никогда не заходит солнце. В настоящее время эта женщина – живой символ Англии. РАННИЕ ГОДЫ КОРОЛЕВЫ ЕЛИЗАВЕТЫ II Будущая правящая королева появилась на свет в Лондоне в семье принца Альберта (более известного под именем король Георг VI) и леди Елизаветы Боуз-Лайон. Ее генеалогия восходит к Виндзорской династии, которая правила Англией в течение многих лет. Однако с самого детства наша сегодняшняя героиня вряд ли могла рассчитывать на то, что однажды взойдет на британский престол. По правилам английского престолонаследия, Елизавета была только лишь третьей в иерархии лиц, претендующих на монаршую корону. В данном перечне она уступала своему отцу – принцу Йоркскому, а также его старшему брату – Эдуарду VIII.

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Нужно описать всю семью мультика "барбоскины" ! пример: (про симпсонов) лиза симпсон - 8 лет. она невысокого роста со светлыми волосами. она умная. она умеет петь и играть на саксафоне, и она может разговаривать по-шведский и по-французкий.
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