
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets​

Английский язык



Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about my holiday package to Egypt that I booked at Sun Travel. The holiday package included a roundtrip ticket, accommodation in the hotel and meals during 7 days. But the holiday was not a success. First, when I arrived at the airport, I was told that I had to wait for the next flight. There was not a seat for me. Besides, I had to pay extra money for the ticket. I was surprised at this news. I phoned you several times but couldn't get through. I was very much upset.

Second, when I took the ground in the airport of Egypt, nobody wasn`t waiting for me. So I had to take a taxi to get my hotel.  

Third, the hotel was different in reality. I was not given the accommodation as promised by the package tour. I also was left waiting in the lobby for two hours. While staying at hotel I must admit a poor quality of service. The service staff was impolite. I was always disturbed by noise from the road. Also due to these unforeseen expenses, I couldn't visit many interesting and exciting places.

In conclusion, I demand your Customer Services to compensate me for all expenses or I will take legal actions. My contact number is .

Best wishes,


It was an ordinary weekday. I went to visit his uncle, he was by profession biologist. He has a small zoo: rats, spiders, snakes. It is as if his test subjects on which he experimented. I raised his uncle Michael snack, he told me about the new experiments, the fact that I wanted to become a biologist. Standing, he tells me, and suddenly something stung me greatly. Thought came to the branch, and said to Michael. A few days later, I realized my abilities. I worked in the magazine, we wrote various articles, news. I started to save people, strange as it may sound. Sewed a suit spider, I found out that I was bitten by a spider. In the morning, I read a newspaper article about a man spider, and very happy. But no one talked about their ability to dissolve the web.

На русском:
Это был обычный будний день. Я зашел проведать своего дядю, он по профессии ученый-биолог. У него есть маленький зоопарк: Крысы, пауки, змеи. Это как бы его подопытные, над которыми он ставил эксперимент. Я занес дяде Майклу перекус, он рассказывал мне о новых экспериментах, дело в том что я хотел стать биологом. Стою, он рассказывает мне, и вдруг что то меня сильно ужалило. Подумал наткнулся на ветку, и не сказал Майклу. Через несколько дней, я понял свою сверх Я работал в журнале, мы писали разные статьи, новости. Я начал людей, как ни странно это звучало. Сшил себе костюм паука, я узнал что меня укусил паук. По утрам я читал в газетах статьи о человеке пауке, и очень радовался. Но никому не рассказывал о своей распускать паутины.
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