
Переведите в косвенную речь my dad says me.”i’m study at school in astana “ my mom said.”the children are 15 years old” we said.”she has had breakfast at 7 o’clock “ they said to me.”we’ll read this text to tomorrow” alise said to her dad.”i speak english” mag told us that she had written that letter the day before. my sister tells me that she is very busy every day.

Английский язык


My dad said me he studied at school in Astana.
My mom said the children were 15 years old.
We said she had had breakfast at 7 o'clock.
They said to me we would read that text the next day.
Alice said to her dad she spoke English.
Mag told us that she had written that letter the day before.
My sister told me she is busy every day.
Have you read this book yet? "" No, I have not read it yet. "" How long have you had it? "" I've had it for two weeks already. " I sewed three dresses this month.3.- Have you ever been to Barcelona? -Yes, but I've never been to Madrid.4. I've known Edain for two years now. He has been living in China for 9 years.6. She's been sick since Tuesday. The boy broke the mosh doll. Buy me, please, a new one! 8. We are in the park for 2 hours.9. Antoni just called you. 10. I have not watched this movie so far
Present Simple
Parents work.
Do parents work? Общий
What do parents do? Специальный
Who works? Вопрос к подлежащему
Parents work,don’t they? Разделительный

Present Continuous
Parents are working.
Are parents working? Общий
What are parents doing? Специальный
Who is working? Вопрос к подлежащему
Parents are working,aren’t they? Разделительный

Present Perfect
Parents have worked.
Have parents worked?Общий
What have parents done? Специальный
Who has worked?Вопрос к подлежащему
Parents have worked,haven’t they? Разделительный

Present Perfect Continuous
Parents have been working.
Have parents been working?Общий
What have parents been doing?Специальный
Who has been working? Вопрос к подлежащему
Parents have been working,haven’t they? Разделительный

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Переведите в косвенную речь my dad says me.”i’m study at school in astana “ my mom said.”the children are 15 years old” we said.”she has had breakfast at 7 o’clock “ they said to me.”we’ll read this text to tomorrow” alise said to her dad.”i speak english” mag told us that she had written that letter the day before. my sister tells me that she is very busy every day.
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