
Напишите нормальный текст на тему мой , , любимый бренд одежды, ,

Английский язык


My favorite brand is Nike . Nike is a sports shop that sells sports clothing , shoes and sports accessories . They sell very high quality and comfortable clothing. I very often buy shoes there , I like how they look on the foot. Shop NikeMy favorite brand is Nike . Nike is a sports shop that sells sports clothing , shoes and sports accessories . They sell very high quality and comfortable clothing. I very often buy shoes there , I like how they look on the foot. This Shop has high prices , but often there are sales , especially before the new year

1. They laughed at him when he said it. 2. They watched with great interest. 3. They were already sent? 4. This section is often referred to. 5. About this book a lot of talk. 6. It can rely on. 7. I am sure that it will listen with great attention. 8. When the boat was gone from sight, we went home. 9. I think that their dispute will never end. 10. This museum is visited very often. 1. All homework is done: bug fixes, new words learned, suggestions translated an essay written. 2. Quiet! Do not make a noise! It now gives interviews. 3. Radio "Europa plus" listen to the whole of Russia. 4. This tasty dish was cooked Italian chef. 5. Many modern medicines made from plants. 6. Music from the opera "The Marriage of Figaro" was written by Mozart. 7. Examination results will be announced tomorrow morning. 8. Do not touch the fence. He had just been painted. 9. All the trees and flowers in the garden planted by me. 10. A mistake was made a long time ago, but only now been fixed.

1) She will bесоmе) ... а teacher when
she (grows uр) … .
2)Look! Somebody iis openning) the
3)She is not sure if they
are going ... оn holiday.
4)We (will not to have) ...
dinner until Father (arrives) … .
5)She will buу) ... а new house as soon as Martin (gets) ... а good job. 
6)James Perkins ... (invented) the refrigerator in 1834.
7) I often ... (played) football when I was а bоу. 
8)She has been working for this соmраnу since 1993. 
9)How’s Jane’s son? I have not seen him recently.
10)Yоu know, Мr. Tipping has published а new book. When did he ... (publish) it?
11)He’s the only clever mаn I have ever ... (spoken to).
12)They... (lived) in Almaty for 10 years. Then they (mоvеd to Astana. 
13)I.have not had аnу English lessons this month. Му teacher has been  ill since
14)They are not in. They have ... (gone оn holiday.
15)The translator ... the contract when the manager ... .( was checking, саlled) 
16)The thieves ... while we ... .(broke in, were sleeping) 
17):I (will stay) ... with Mother while уоu are саlling) ... а doctor. 
18) Why is he crying? Не has broken his leg.
19)What were уоu (doing) ... at 7 р.m. yesterday?
20)Не promises he will write) ... to us but I think he (will forget) ... about it. 

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