
Вставте слова fill the gaps with one of the words below. education virtual essential arithmetic demonstrate isolated dramatically by hand future life can you imagine what our lives will be like in the year 2050? perhaps you will be flying off for a holiday on the moon, or maybe you will be taking your dog for a walk in the (1) reality. we recently carried out a survey of 1, 000 people from different countries to find out what they think life will be like in the future. the results clearly (2) both our hopes and fears. the survey suggests that friendship - one of the most important human relationships - will have changed (3) people will make friends through the internet. what is more, a large number of people will even come across their future husbands or wives in this way! computers will have become absolutely (4) by 2050. even now, some people describe them as their best friend! others, however, say that we will become much more (5) from each other because we will have little real human contact. (6) will have changed a lot too. as more and more children will be using computers in schools, certain abilities, such as mental (7) not be necessary since there will be computer programs. even writing (8) will have become a thing of the past

Английский язык


Virtual demonstrate dramatically essential isolated education arithmetic by hand

ответ:It is Saturday. I won't have classes, so I'll stay in bed later than usual. I'll get up at 10 and will understand that it is too late to do morning exercises. At this time my Mum and Dad are not at home. I'll look out of the window and will see them in the garden; they'll take away the old leaves and will prepare the garden for the winter. So I'll go to the kitchen and will make my breakfast myself. I'll eat my breakfast and will look through the ads in the newspaper. It takes me about an hour. As usual I forget to wash up after breakfast. I'll go back to my room and will listen to my favourite music. Then I'll hear the telephone ring and will run to the drawing room. My group mate calls. He'll invites me to his place, but I won't want to go out. I am too lazy. At about 1 o'clock the Old Man and the Old Lady will come in. They will both exhausted and angry, because my dirty dishes will still on the table. I'll try to make up for it and will offer to cook lunch, but my mother won't allow me. She'll say I will spoil everything. I'll feel ashamed and will promise to myself that I'll start a new life tomorrow... Tomorrow is Sunday...


“What should I choose as my future profession?” – this is a question that every young person asks himself entering the adult world. Of course, it’s not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. It’s especially difficult if you like doing different things, if you have different hobbies and interests.Almost half of a person’s life passes at work. So it’s extremely important to make the right choice of a profession. Psychologists believe that the choice of a future profession must be in accordance with the individual’s talents and abilities. In order to make the right choice you have to analyze your interests and abilities and try to understand what you’d like to achieve in your life.For example, I like biology. I adore animals, plants, insects, and all forms of life. I spend many hours reading books about wild nature, characters and habits of animals, underwater life etc. I believe that nature is so mysterious and powerful, that it’s natural to admire it and to devote all your life to its exploration.But it’s not my only hobby. Most of all I like painting and I want to be an artist. As a child, I began to draw everything I saw around myself. I drew my parents, my friends, my kitten, flowers and other things. Then I entered art school and began to study painting.My parents doubt this is the right decision. They say this profession demands on you to give it all your energy and passion and one must be fully dedicated to it in order to achieve perfection. At the same time nowadays it’s difficult to earn your living with painting. But I don’t agree with them.I think that modern life open new horizons for artists and they can work in many fields today. Many artists work as designers for advertising agencies or for web design studios. Yes, there are many designers who draw with computer programs like Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, but the skill of drawing by hand is highly appreciated in many design studios. Besides, such job demands not only computer knowledge, but also creative thinking of an artist.So I look in my future with optimism and hope to become an artist.

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Вставте слова fill the gaps with one of the words below. education virtual essential arithmetic demonstrate isolated dramatically by hand future life can you imagine what our lives will be like in the year 2050? perhaps you will be flying off for a holiday on the moon, or maybe you will be taking your dog for a walk in the (1) reality. we recently carried out a survey of 1, 000 people from different countries to find out what they think life will be like in the future. the results clearly (2) both our hopes and fears. the survey suggests that friendship - one of the most important human relationships - will have changed (3) people will make friends through the internet. what is more, a large number of people will even come across their future husbands or wives in this way! computers will have become absolutely (4) by 2050. even now, some people describe them as their best friend! others, however, say that we will become much more (5) from each other because we will have little real human contact. (6) will have changed a lot too. as more and more children will be using computers in schools, certain abilities, such as mental (7) not be necessary since there will be computer programs. even writing (8) will have become a thing of the past
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