Единственное, что меня смущает, так это обстоятельство в конце предложения. Его, я так понимаю тоже нужно изменять, иначе время невозможно изменить. 1) Colin celebrates his birthday in Moscow every year 2) Colin is celebrating his birthday now 3)Colin celebrated his birthday last Monday 4) Colin has celebrated his birthday for three days 5) Colin was celebrated his birthday yesterday at nine o'clock 6) Colin will celebrate hus birthday tomorrow 7) Colin will celebrate his birthday tomorrow at 9 o'clock
1)kate is watching tv now 1) катя смотрит телевизор 2) mom is wasing the dishes now 2) мама моет посуду 3) peter is doing his homework 3) питер делает работу 4) bob is sleeping 4) боб спит 5) dad is playing computer now 5) папа играет на компьютере 6) helen is reading now 6) хелен читает 7) dog is running around the tree 7) собака бегает вокруг дерева 8) bird is singing its song 8) птица поёт свою песенку 9) mary is walking with her friends 9) мэри гуляет со своими друзьями 10) grandma is going to the shop 10) бабушка идёт в магазин
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1) Colin celebrates his birthday in Moscow every year
2) Colin is celebrating his birthday now
3)Colin celebrated his birthday last Monday
4) Colin has celebrated his birthday for three days
5) Colin was celebrated his birthday yesterday at nine o'clock
6) Colin will celebrate hus birthday tomorrow
7) Colin will celebrate his birthday tomorrow at 9 o'clock