
Read and complete the text use on, in, at saturday is my favorite day.on saturday i get up the morning and i have breakfast.then i go to the park and play with my one oclock i have lunch and the afternoon i watch tv. evening i go to the cinema with my friends.i go to bed ten oclock night.

Английский язык


Saturday i get up in the morning
My friends at one o’clock
In the afternoon i watch TV
In rhe evening i go to the cinema
I go to bed at ten o’clock at night


Dawn: Hey, Karen! Congratulations! I hear you 1) have fallen in love! Tell me all about it! How long have 2) you known him? Where 3) did you meet? — Эй, Карен! Поздравляю! Я слышал, ты влюбилась! Расскажи мне об этом все! Как долго ты знаешь его? Где вы познакомились?

Karen: We 4) met at a nightclub last Saturday, so we have been together 5) for almost a week now. I’ve 6) never met anyone so intelligent and handsome … Anyway, what has changed in your life 7) since I last saw you? — Мы встретились в одном из ночных клубов в субботу, так что мы вместе в течение почти недели. Я никогда не встречала никого, такого умного и красивого … Во всяком случае, что изменилось в твоей жизни, с тех пор как я последний раз видела тебя?

Dawn: Well … I’ve 8) just started a new job. It’s great. Have you 9) ever had a job you really like? — Ну … Я только начал новую работу. Она классная. Ты когда-нибудь имела работу, которая тебе действительно нравится?

ответил 06 Ноя, 17 от smarty

1.The weather was not good.The sky was full of dark clouds and soon it started raining heavily.
2.While he was driving to the airport, the storm got worse. Suddenly, a huge flash of lightning struck a tree. It came crashing down just metres in front of his car. The fallen tree completely blocked the road, so he was stuck. He tried to call the emergency services on his mobile, but the line was dead.
3.He was positive that he would miss his plane, so he turned on the radio and tried to get used to the idea.
4. There was a loud knock at the window, it was a young man in leather clothes. The yound man grabbed his bags, climbed carefully onto the motorcycle and shouted urgently, “To the airport, please!”
It was his first time on a motorcycle so he was terrified. The young man drove so fast that autor kept my eyes tightly shut all the way. “We are here!” he said.He looked at my watch and saw that I was just in time for my flight.
5.As soon as his plane took off, he breathed a huge sigh of relief. He could now relax and enjoy his holiday.
1.I was positive that I would miss my plane.
2.I was just in time for my flight.
1.the longest
studied,have no finish yet
Lucy told us that she wont be there because she is having a party.

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Read and complete the text use on, in, at saturday is my favorite day.on saturday i get up the morning and i have breakfast.then i go to the park and play with my one oclock i have lunch and the afternoon i watch tv. evening i go to the cinema with my friends.i go to bed ten oclock night.
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