Canada is a North American country, washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. It is the world’s second largest country by total area and it shares the longest land border in the worlds with the United States. All in all, Canada consists of ten provinces and three territories. The word Canada was first used by early European inhabitants, meaning “village” or “land”. The capital of the country is Ottawa, which is situated on the Ottawa River. It’s a beautiful city full of parks and bridges. Other major cities include Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary.
Canada is a confederation with parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. Its parliamentary system includes the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The sovereign of the country is Queen Elizabeth II. She is also the head of 15 other Commonwealth countries. The independence of Canada was proclaimed on July 1, 1867. There are two official languages in the country: English and French. Both these languages are used at the federal level. Canada is considered to be one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world with a population over 35 million people, including immigrants. The economy of the country is rather advanced and depends on abundant natural resources, as well as on well-developed trade networks.
The climate of Canada varies from part to part. It’s temperate in the south and arctic in the north. The majority of population inhabits the southern part of the country. Vast areas of the north are poorly inhabited. Winters in Canada can be rather harsh, especially in Prairie territories, where a continental climate is mixed with severe wind chills. The highest point in the country is Mount Logan of almost 6000 meters height. The greatest rivers in the country include the Saint Lawrence River, Ottawa, Saguenay and the Saint John River.
Canada is certainly one of the most interesting countries with its numerous landmarks and traditions. The wonders of Canada are not only natural, but also architectural, cultural and historic. Speaking about natural sights it’s necessary to mention the Great Lakes, the Niagara Falls and the Agawa Canyon area. Perhaps, the most beautiful architectural sights include the City Hall in Toronto and the Tower of Peace in Ottawa. Among the most prominent historic and cultural attractions we can outline the Canadian War Museum, the Fortress of Louisbourg, the Quebec Citadel and many others.
Most Canadian holidays and traditions match with those in other English-speaking countries, although each province or territory may have its own distinct holiday. Major Christian holidays are Christmas and Easter. They are celebrated nationwide. Other traditional celebrations include Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Saint Patrick’s Day, and some others.
Education in Great Britain: Schools
In Britain it is compulsory for everyone between the ages of 5 and 16 years to receive some officially recognized form of schooling, though most secondary schools continue to provide education until the age of 18. The vast majority of pupils attend state schools, which are absolutely free (including all text books and exercise books), but there are also about 500 private schools providing secondary education. The most famous of these schools are Eton and Harrow. There is no statutory age at which students change from primary to secondary school, nor are schools "specialized" — pupils choose from the numerous subjects taught in their particular school. The recently introduced National Curriculum has made it compulsory, however, for three core subjects — English, mathematics, and science — and seven other foundation subjects — technology (including design), history, geography, music, art, physical education, and a modern foreign language — to be included in the curricula of all pupils. Passage from one academic year to the next is automatic. After a two-year course, usually from 14 to 16 years of age, most pupils take their General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), assessed on the basis of a mixture of course work and a written examination, in individual subjects. Pupils obtaining at least five passes at GCSE can then specialize for two years (usually from 16 to 18 years of age) in two or three subjects, in which they take the General Certificate of Education Advanced level (A-level) examination. This is used as an entrance qualification for university (minimum two passes) and other types of higher education, as well as for many forms of professional training.
Образование в Великобритании: Школы
В Великобритании обязательно для всех в возрасте с 5 до 16 лет получить некоторую официально признанную форму обучения, хотя большинство средних школ продолжает давать образование до 18 летнего возраста. Большинство учеников посещает государственные школы, которые абсолютно бесплатны (включая все учебники и тетради), но есть также приблизительно 500 частных школ, дающих среднее образование. Самыми известными из этих школ являются Итон и Хэрроу. Нет никакого установленного законом возраста, когда ученики переходят из начальной в среднюю школу, и при этом школы не «специализированы» — ученики выбирают из многочисленных предметов, которые преподаются в их отдельно взятой школе. Однако, недавно введенный Национальный Учебный план сделал обязательным, чтобы три основных предмета — английский язык, математика, естественные науки — и семь других фундаментальных предметов — технические науки (включая черчение), история, география, музыка, рисование, физкультура и современный иностранный язык — были включены в учебные планы всех учеников. Перевод из одного класса в следующий является автоматическим. После двухлетнего курса, обычно в возрасте с 14 до 16 лет, большинство учеников получает свой аттестат о среднем образовании (GCSE), в котором оценки полученные за курсовые работы и письменный экзамен по отдельным предметам. Ученики, получающие по крайней мере пять зачетов в GCSE, могут тогда специализироваться в течение двух лет (обычно в возрасте с 16 до 18 лет) по двум или трем предметам, по которым они сдают экзамен продвинутого уровня (уровня А) на аттестат о среднем образовании. Они подают для вступления в университет (минимум два зачета) и другие до высшие учебные заведения, а также для получения различного профессионального образования.
Николаевна Филиппов1936
следующее, используя «есть ...», «есть ..». Используйте «много», «много», «много», «немного», «несколько», «немного», «любое», «нет», если необходимо. 1. Это старая часть города (исторические места). 2. Москва - очень большой город (более 5000 улиц, авеню и площадей). 3. Театр недалеко отсюда (еще более короткий путь через площадь). 4. Этот боковой уровень очень тихий (движение). 5. Фильм был интересен мне (людям, которым это не понравилось). 6. Очень поздно (время идти пешком). 7. Небо темное (сильный дождь через несколько минут). 8. Лектор был очень интересным человеком (вопросы, когда лекция закончилась). 9. Мне жаль, что мы опаздываем. (еще один поезд не менее двух часов). 10. Никто не дома (свет в окнах). 11. Не уходите (скоро ужин). 12. Нам будет тяжело весной (экзамены). 13. У меня есть приглашение на вечеринку (интересные люди).
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Найдите реферат по теме canada на english.и с переводом на язык.заранее !
Canada is a North American country, washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. It is the world’s second largest country by total area and it shares the longest land border in the worlds with the United States. All in all, Canada consists of ten provinces and three territories. The word Canada was first used by early European inhabitants, meaning “village” or “land”. The capital of the country is Ottawa, which is situated on the Ottawa River. It’s a beautiful city full of parks and bridges. Other major cities include Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary.
Canada is a confederation with parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. Its parliamentary system includes the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The sovereign of the country is Queen Elizabeth II. She is also the head of 15 other Commonwealth countries. The independence of Canada was proclaimed on July 1, 1867. There are two official languages in the country: English and French. Both these languages are used at the federal level. Canada is considered to be one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world with a population over 35 million people, including immigrants. The economy of the country is rather advanced and depends on abundant natural resources, as well as on well-developed trade networks.
The climate of Canada varies from part to part. It’s temperate in the south and arctic in the north. The majority of population inhabits the southern part of the country. Vast areas of the north are poorly inhabited. Winters in Canada can be rather harsh, especially in Prairie territories, where a continental climate is mixed with severe wind chills. The highest point in the country is Mount Logan of almost 6000 meters height. The greatest rivers in the country include the Saint Lawrence River, Ottawa, Saguenay and the Saint John River.
Canada is certainly one of the most interesting countries with its numerous landmarks and traditions. The wonders of Canada are not only natural, but also architectural, cultural and historic. Speaking about natural sights it’s necessary to mention the Great Lakes, the Niagara Falls and the Agawa Canyon area. Perhaps, the most beautiful architectural sights include the City Hall in Toronto and the Tower of Peace in Ottawa. Among the most prominent historic and cultural attractions we can outline the Canadian War Museum, the Fortress of Louisbourg, the Quebec Citadel and many others.
Most Canadian holidays and traditions match with those in other English-speaking countries, although each province or territory may have its own distinct holiday. Major Christian holidays are Christmas and Easter. They are celebrated nationwide. Other traditional celebrations include Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Saint Patrick’s Day, and some others.