Astana - The Capital of Kazakhstan
[Astana] Astana is a modern city with a favorable environment attractive for tourists and comfortable for residents and guests of the Kazakh capital to live in.
Astana became the capital of new Kazakhstan in 1998 for a variety of reasons. By the end of the XX century, the country’s former capital Almaty was facing a heap of difficulties hampering further development of the city: the problem of overpopulation (over 1.500.000 inhabitants); traffic congestion; deteriorating environmental conditions. Moreover, compact planning of the “southern capital” in practice, restricted modern development of the city.
Астана - Қазақстанның астанасы
[Астана] Астана - бұл туристер үшін тартымды және Қазақстан астанасының тұрғындары мен қонақтарына жайлы өмір сүруге қолайлы заманауи қала.
Астана әртүрлі себептермен 1998 жылы жаңа Қазақстанның астанасы болды. ХХ ғасырдың аяғында елдің бұрынғы астанасы Алматы қаланың одан әрі дамуына кедергі келтіретін көптеген қиындықтармен бетпе-бет келді: халық санының көптігі проблемасы (1,500 000-нан астам тұрғын); кептеліс; экологиялық жағдайдың нашарлауы. Сонымен қатар, іс жүзінде «оңтүстік астананы» ықшам жоспарлау қаланың заманауи дамуын шектеді.
I think my brother is in trouble with bullies at his school.
Recently, bruises and abrasions began to appear on my brother's body. It worries me. He is short, quiet and calm in character. At school he is considered a botanist because he is an excellent student. I went to this school and I know the rules. It seems to me that he became a victim of bullying. There are several bullies in the school who often bully the younger ones. I'm worried about him. The best solution is to talk to your brother and find a common way out.
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Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами а–g, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. используйте каждую цифру только один раз. в есть один лишний заголовок. 1. different houses - different responsibilities 2. historic names 3. don’t cross the line 4. parliamentary holidays 5. no entry 6. criminal roots of the special day 7. royal security tradition 8. a show worth seeing a. the houses of parliament are actually divided into two parts. the house of commons is where the elected members of parliament meet to debate issues and agree on changes to the law. the house of lords is the second debating chamber. its members are mostly people who have been awarded a title in recognition of their work for the country. their role is to examine proposals raised by the commons. b. many people think that big ben is the clock tower on the side of the houses of parliament. this is wrong! big ben is actually the nickname of the big bell inside the tower. it was named after sir benjamin hall, first commissioner for works, whose name is written on the bell. recently the official name of the clock tower was changed to the elizabeth tower. the tower was renamed in june 2012 in honour of the queen's jubilee. c. each year, the queen opens a new parliament session in a ceremony known as the state opening of parliament. the ceremony takes place in the house of lords, where members of the house of commons are invited too. according to the rules, neither kings nor queens can enter the house of commons. this rule has been strictly observed since 1642 when king charles i tried to arrest five of the house of commons members. d. in england, guy fawkes’ night is celebrated with fireworks and huge bonfires. it reminds us about the date of november 5th, 1605, when a group of conspirators tried to blow up the king during the state opening of parliament. they were out of luck and one of the conspirators, guy fawkes, was caught with barrels of gunpowder. strangely enough, the tragic incident started the long-lasting fireworks tradition. e. both uk residents and tourists can enter the houses of parliament for free and watch members of parliament debating. the best time to watch a debate in the house of commons is on a wednesday lunchtime. this is when the prime minister meets with the members of parliament. the atmosphere is usually nervous, especially when the leader of the opposition starts asking his six tricky questions. and this is what the tourists enjoy most. f. the state opening of parliament is the most important ceremony of the year. the queen comes to parliament to open the new session. before her arrival, a special ritual is held - the queen's body guard searches the basement beneath the houses of parliament with an old candle-lantern. this has been done every year since 1605 when a group of conspirators wanted to blow up the king. g. in the house of commons there are two opposite rows of benches: for the government and for the opposition. in front of the benches, there is a stripe on the carpet. when a member speaking in the house puts his foot beyond that stripe, there is a shout “order! ” this dates from the time when the members had swords and the discussions often grew into fights.
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