Вам девять? Бен из Лондона? Ваша комната большая? Огурцы красные? Даша милая? Мы друзья?
Тебе девять? Вен (родом) из Лондона? Твоя комната большая? Огурец красный? Даша красивая (хорошая)? Вы друзья?
Dear friend, I have just arrived on a new planet and want to talk some about my empression. Firstly, you need to know that this planet is very beautiful and it is very different from the Earth. It has green water instead of blue, and grass is red. My journey goes very good, it's a lot of interesting things here. I'm going to return home in a month. Also, there are very kind and smart people on this planet. They told me some cool facts about their home and even talked to me about some secrets of this place. Well, at the moment i feel peaceful. This journey gives me as much of good emotions as i can't write you about how i am happy. But on the other hand, i miss my home - the Earth. Sorry, i cant write more, i need to help my new friends. How to hear from you soon. All the best, (Твое имя)
Dear friend, I have just arrived on a new planet and want to talk some about my empression. Firstly, you need to know that this planet is very beautiful and it is very different from the Earth. It has green water instead of blue, and grass is red. My journey goes very good, it's a lot of interesting things here. I'm going to return home in a month. Also, there are very kind and smart people on this planet. They told me some cool facts about their home and even talked to me about some secrets of this place. Well, at the moment i feel peaceful. This journey gives me as much of good emotions as i can't write you about how i am happy. But on the other hand, i miss my home - the Earth. Sorry, i cant write more, i need to help my new friends. How to hear from you soon. All the best, (Твое имя)
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