
17b. tick the sentence which means the same as the first sentence. 1 have you ever visited canada? a. did you visit canada? b. have you been to canada? c. have you visited canada recently? 2 this is the first time i’ve been skiing. a. i’ve been skiing once before. b. i haven’t been skiing for a long time. c. i’ve never been skiing before. 3 i’ve had two holidays this year. a. i’ve just come back from holiday. b. i’ve been on holiday twice this year. c. i’ve been away for two weeks. 4 we’ve just come home from the theatre. a. we were at the theatre very recently. b. we haven’t been to the theatre for a long time. c. we went to the theatre yesterday. 5 the manager hasn’t been at work for a week. a. the manager has left the company. b. the manager has been away for a week. c. the manager didn’t come to work last week. 6 i haven’t checked my emails since this morning. a. i have just checked my emails. b. i haven’t checked my emails today. c. i checked my emails this morning.

Английский язык


Petrakova Ilyushin
1 - B, 2- C, 3 - B, 4 - A, 5 - C, 6 - B

александр сергеевич пушкин родился 6 июня 1799 г. в москве.

его отец, отставной майор сергей львович пушкин, принадлежал к старому, некогда богатому, дворянскому роду, а мать была внучкой ,,арапа петра великого” (позднее – генерала ).

отец и мать, захваченные великосветской жизнью, обращали мало внимания на детей, из которых выросли только трое: старшая дочь ольга, сыновья александр и лев. остальные дети умерли еще в детстве. их воспитанием занимались часто менявшиеся иностранные гувернеры, о которых у а. с. пушкина остались неприятные воспоминания. в детские годы его лучшим другом была няня арина родионовна, неграмотная крепостная крестьянка, песни и сказки которой привили ее воспитаннику любовь к народной поэзии.

Не знаю, придётся ли вам это животное по вкусу, но вы ведь не уточнили, а мне лошади очень даже нравятся.

Most animals are man’s best friends. It is especially true about domestic animals, because there is also a great number of dangerous and poisonous species, which bring people nothing but inconvenience. In my opinion, people should live in harmony with nature and other living creatures.

Most of all I admire horses. These four-legged animals are very kind, graceful and noble. They have always been of great service to men. Having strong body and legs they could carry heavy carts and coaches, they could accompany a man in the war. There were even specially trained war horses. In hilly countries of Asia and Arabia they were valued for their intelligence and swiftness. They say that in Ancient China the horse was considered to be the best property of the Emperor.

Horses have often saved their masters from the enemies at the cost of their own life, such devoted animals they are. In my opinion, they are one of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Their coat can be of white, black, chestnut, silver and mixed markings. Its long hair on a beautiful neck is known as mane. They have large eyes with a deep, smart look in them. Its skin is usually smooth and glossy, which makes them look graceful.

If I had enough money, I would definitely buy several horses and a stable. I would take good care of them: feed them everyday, let them walk around and play. I would also ride a horse once in a while and we would participate together in races. All in all, I think horse is a faithful animal. Unfortunately, people can be sometimes cruel to these poor creatures, which I don’t support.

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17b. tick the sentence which means the same as the first sentence. 1 have you ever visited canada? a. did you visit canada? b. have you been to canada? c. have you visited canada recently? 2 this is the first time i’ve been skiing. a. i’ve been skiing once before. b. i haven’t been skiing for a long time. c. i’ve never been skiing before. 3 i’ve had two holidays this year. a. i’ve just come back from holiday. b. i’ve been on holiday twice this year. c. i’ve been away for two weeks. 4 we’ve just come home from the theatre. a. we were at the theatre very recently. b. we haven’t been to the theatre for a long time. c. we went to the theatre yesterday. 5 the manager hasn’t been at work for a week. a. the manager has left the company. b. the manager has been away for a week. c. the manager didn’t come to work last week. 6 i haven’t checked my emails since this morning. a. i have just checked my emails. b. i haven’t checked my emails today. c. i checked my emails this morning.
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