may - может
Модальный глагол May имеет основное значение вероятности или разрешения и используется только в двух формах: may – для использования в настоящем времени и might – в времени и сослагательном наклонении.
Формы модального глагола May:
Настоящее время
I may (may not, mayn't) - We may (may not, mayn't)
You may (may not, mayn't) - You may (mayn't, may not)
He/She/It may (may not, mayn't) - They may (may not, mayn't)
I might (might not, mightn't) - We might (might not, mightn't)
You might (you might not, mightn't) - You might (might not, mightn't)
He/She/It might (might not, mightn't) - They might (might not, mightn't)
Модальный глагол May употребляется:
Для того, чтобы попросить или дать разрешение, причем такая фраза звучит более формально, чем с модальным глаголом Can:
You may leave.
Вы можете идти.
May I use your phone?
Можно я воспользуюсь вашим телефоном?
Форма May используется в особо вежливых
Для выражения предположения или возможности, в которых говорящий не уверен:
Peter may come today.
Может быть, сегодня придет Питер.
I may spend my holidays in Spain.
Может быть, я проведу свои каникулы в Испании.
Форма Might выражает еще большую степень неуверенности:
The weather might be better tomorrow.
Может, завтра погода улучшится.
При запрете (в отрицательной форме):
You may not talk loudly in libraries.
В библиотеках нельзя громко разговаривать.
Однако, как правило, значение запрета чаще выражается другими глаголами – mustn’t, can’t, don’t.
В упреке:
You might have carried my suitcase.
1. Paula …… $40,000 a year in her job. 1.B
A. spends
B. earns
C. swaps
2. Will you help me … the ironing? 2.A
A. do
B. make
C. take
3. Jack …… a prize last week. 3.B
A. swapped
B. won
C. lost
4. Henry isn’t lazy. He’s very……… 4.C
A. sociable
B. generous
C. hard-working
5. …… is a person who damages buildings or paint graffiti.
A. Shoplifter
B. Armed robber
C. Vandal
6. The opposite of war is ……
A. poverty
B. peace
C. famine
7. Send me a ……… if you’re going to be late.
A. social networking site
B. instant messaging
C. text massage
8. Would you like to travel ………… the world?
A. out of
B. through
C. round
9. …… is a problem affecting children when they don’t have enough to eat.
A. Malnutrition
B. Illiteracy
C. Famine
14. She ……. like chocolate much.
A. not
B. don`t
C. doesn`t
15. Richard …… the sports programme on TV last Friday.
A. don`t saw
B. didn`t see
C. doesn`t see
16. I`m ……..than my brother at the moment.
A. busier
B. busyer
C. more busy
17. Patrick has got too …… money.
A. much
B. many
C. any
18. Are there ….. interesting films on at the cinema.
A. any
B. an
C. some
19. Jack has studied French …… last summer.
A. for
B. from
C. since
20. Wendy ….. at a hotel in Lanzarote last summer.
A. stay
B. stayed
C. have stayed
21. How long …….. Simon?
A. do you know
B. you have know
C. have you known
22. I`m sure that Tom ….. come tomorrow.
A. will
B. is
C. might
23. What are you going ……. now?
A. doing
B. do
C. to do
24. If I had more money, I ……. a sports car.
A. will buy
B. bought
C. would buy
25. You …….. swim in the sea today – it`s too dangerous.
A. don`t have to
B. can`t to
C. mustn`t
26. Our house ……. in the 1930s.
A. built
B. was built
C. is build
27. I`m sorry, but you ………. in. It`s private.
A. can`t to go
B. can`t go
C. can`t going
28. Mount Everest is the ……. mountain in the world.
A. higher
B. highest
C. most high
29. Ian has too ……. work to do.
A. any
B. many
C. much
30. Jerry wasn`t allowed …….. his mobile phone in the cinema.
A. to use
B. that to use
C. to using
31. A
32. If I gave you my phone number, …… me?
A. you would
B. will you
C. would you
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My father goes tu work by его car. он drives well