
Можете решить? copy the sentences. put the underlined verbs in passive voice. denote the tense in each sentence. translate them. this book was sold two weeks ago. will mary be invited to the party? london is visited by thousands of tourists every year. they will be met by their friends at the airport. martin will be invited to the party. millions of books were published in russia last year. the flat will be cleaned tomorrow. open the brackets and put the verbs in present, past или future simple passive. my question (to answer) yesterday. hockey (to play) in winter. mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. his new book ( to finish) next year. the letter (to receive) yesterday. nick (to send) to moscow next week. we (to invite) to a concert last saturday.

Английский язык


This book was sold two weeks ago. - Past Simple Passive - Эта книга была продана две недели назад
Will Mary be invited to the party? - Future Simple Passive - Мэри пригласят на вечеринку?
London is visited by thousands of tourists every year. - Present Simple Passive - Каждый год Лондон посещают тысячи туристов
They will be met by their friends at the airport. - Future Simple Passive - Их встретят наши друзья в аэропорту
Martin will be invited to the party. - Future Simple Passive - Мартина пригласят на вечеринку
Millions of books were published in Russia last year. - Past Simple Passive - Миллионы книг были напечатаны в России в году
The flat will be cleaned tomorrow - Future Simple Passive - Квартиру уберут завтра

My question was answered yesterday.
Hockey is played in winter.
Mushrooms are gathered in autumn.
His new book will be finished next year.
The letter was received yesterday.
Nick will be sent to Moscow next week.
We were invited to a concert last Saturday.

1. Он говорит: "Мы всегда ешьте здесь"
2.Она сказала: "Это мое любимое платье"
3. Они сказали: "она была здесь сегодня
4. Моя бабушка сказала: «я рада видеть Вас здесь
5. Молодые ученые задались вопросом, «Как вы можете это сделать?
6. Его отец говорит мне: «Вы можете играть здесь
7. Мэри спросила, что произошло сегодня?»
8. Джон ответил, «я пойду за границей следующим летом»
9. Джессика думала, это книги настолько интересны».
10. Пол и Джек предложил мне, Давай встретимся завтра».
11. Библиотекарь напомнила мне, «взять свои очки с вами сегодня».
12. Он сказал. «Вчера в 5 часов вечера я смотрела удивительный фильм
13. Я объяснить. «Я не счастлив, когда они курят».
14. Моя тетя просила. «Завтра в 7 утра я буду выступать на сцене
15. Мой сосед спросил меня: «не выключайте свет»
(пишешь свой город)
Dear (имя),

Thanks a lot for your last letter. Sorry, I haven't answered earlier, as I was really busy with my school. I am very happy to hear, that you are going to meet your friends.

Now I will try to answer your questions. Usually, I visit friends in a cafe twice a month or even rarely. Sometimes we talk about our schools, teachers, hobbies or plans for future. But most of all we like to go in cinema and if we have time to do this, we never miss the chance.

Sorry, I would better go now, as I have to do the washing up. Write back soon!

Best wishes,
(своё имя)

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Можете решить? copy the sentences. put the underlined verbs in passive voice. denote the tense in each sentence. translate them. this book was sold two weeks ago. will mary be invited to the party? london is visited by thousands of tourists every year. they will be met by their friends at the airport. martin will be invited to the party. millions of books were published in russia last year. the flat will be cleaned tomorrow. open the brackets and put the verbs in present, past или future simple passive. my question (to answer) yesterday. hockey (to play) in winter. mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. his new book ( to finish) next year. the letter (to receive) yesterday. nick (to send) to moscow next week. we (to invite) to a concert last saturday.
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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